Can you eat chinese yam during lactation?

Can you eat chinese yam during lactation?

Edible. Yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, is conducive to digestion and absorption functions of the spleen and stomach, is to flatten the spleen and stomach of medicine and food products. Regardless of spleen yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, can be eaten. Postpartum eating yam has a certain slimming effect, because yams are full of strong but nutritious. Eating yam can also help gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, promote bowel movements, and prevent and relieve constipation. Lactating mothers who eat yam will not affect the milk secretion and the health of the baby during lactation, but they should not eat as a staple food. In addition, you cannot eat sprouted yam to prevent food poisoning.

“yam” on this page refers to “chinese yam”

Chinese yam - kkkhealth
Chinese yam – kkkhealth

What happens when you eat chinese yam during lactation

Yam’s nutrient-rich, although it will cause the body’s fullness, but it can help gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, promote bowel movements, prevent and relieve constipation. Lactating mothers to eat yam can not only supplement energy and trace elements, but also slimming, to help digest the role of defecation. However, this does not mean that Yam is safe for all people. For example, stools are not suitable for human consumption. Therefore, breast-feeding mothers should understand their physical condition before eating. If you have the following conditions, you should pay attention to eating less or not eating yam.

  • Yam has astringent effect, so dry stools are unfit for human consumption.
  • People who are allergic to yam should not eat yam. Yam may also become an allergen. If a woman is allergic to yams, eating yams may cause skin irritation, recurrent diarrhea, indigestion, headaches, sore throat, asthma and other allergies. Therefore, such people must avoid eating them.

What are the benefits of eating chinese yam during lactation

Yam contains a lot of starch and vitamins, protein, and amino acids. Although lactating mothers eat yam, they will cause a sense of fullness, but they will not lack nutrients and have a slimming effect. At the same time eating yams can also help gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, promote bowel movements, prevent and relieve constipation.

1, spleen and stomach, to help digestion: yam in the amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, is conducive to digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, can cure spleen and stomach weakness, eat less body fatigue, diarrhea and other illnesses.

2, Yifei Cough: Yam contains saponins, mucus, a lubrication, nourishing effect, can treat lung deficiency, sputum, chronic cough disease.

3, lower blood sugar: yam contains mucus protein, have a role in lowering blood sugar, can be used to treat diabetes, diabetes is the best diet.

4. Nourishing Kidney and Essence: The nutrients in yam are very rich, and they have a strong body, nourishing kidney and benefiting essence. Can cure kidney deficiency, nocturnal emission, women with too much vaginal discharge, urinary frequency embolism.

5, Longevity: Yam contains a lot of mucus protein, vitamins and trace elements, can effectively prevent heart and blood diseases, play an ambition, longevity effect.

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