Types of sleep disorders to pay attention to

What are the types of sleep disorders you should pay attention to? People at high risk for sleep disorders: More men than women. Obesity. Neck is too thick. Craniofacial neck structural abnormalities (including maxillary and mandibular maldevelopment). Hyperplasia of soft tissue or lymphoid tissue of pharynx head, nasal septum bending). Hypothyroidism. Acromegaly. Family history Snoring…

What can I do if I cannot sleep in bed?

Have you ever been sitting on a living room couch watching TV, nodding off when you were sitting on the living room couch, but getting completely sleepy as soon as you went to bed? Or is it easy to sleep in a bed in your own home while traveling outside? This may mean that you…

How to minimize the harm of staying up late

In ancient times, people made the sunrise, sunset, and let the body obey the arrangement of nature. Nowadays, many people have to stay up late and sacrifice health for time because of busy work and communication, which leads to a series of health problems. Since staying up late unavoidably, then how can reduce to the…

Four hazards of staying up late to watch the World Cup

Due to the time difference of the Earth, many fans must stay up late to watch the World Cup. However, although the World Cup games are wonderful, the danger of staying up late can’t be ignored. Is it true that long-term staying up late is equivalent to chronic suicide? it is true! In March, “International…

Staying up late is a shortcut to obesity! “Hunger” increases appetite

Both men and women, at a certain age, will care about whether their body has excess fat. Although many people think that “the middle age is a blessing” is taken for granted, obesity is the cause of many lifestyle-related diseases, besides affecting the appearance. Therefore, obesity needs everyone’s attention. To lose weight, most people think…

Can long stay up late and lack of sleep really lead to death?

Does lack of sleep lead to death? Staying up late is now the norm for almost every young person. Up to now, the longest time that the human does not sleep and stays awake continuously is 449 hours, so carrying on the symbolic sleep experiment has the remarkable scientific research value. Randy Gardner, 68, stayed…

How does staying up late skin become bad how to do?

Common sense about staying up late: staying up late often leads to bad skin. Here are some skin tips about staying up late, which can help people who stay up late to protect their skin. Facial problems: dark complexion with small spots. After staying up late for a long time, small black spots appear in…