How do women live better after divorce?

Women in the marriage if they stubbornly insist on it, it is better to choose the divorce to end their own status quo, but many women do not dare to do this, because the divorce of women seems more unfortunate, in fact, this is mainly a woman’s psychological work, This is not the case! What…

Four facts must be made clear before cohabitation between a man and a woman

Cohabitation is becoming more and more common. There are no official statistics on how many people live together in China. For those who enjoy cohabitation, cohabitation feels like heaven, but for those who suffer from it, it is hell. The only certainty is that the global phenomenon of cohabitation is the most vulnerable gender relationship….

Sex: frequency, blood type, scientific research

Scientific sex frequency “Sex frequency = the first digit of age x 9”. The American sexologists published his discovery at a one-off forum organized by China. According to this formula, a person in the 20th age group (20 to 29 years old), his or her sexual formula is 2 × 9 = 18, 18 can…

The secret of science hidden behind the breakup

When you fall in love, you don’t love and leave. Breaking it up seems simple, but there is a lot of scientific knowledge behind it. Men are more likely to break up because of sexual betrayal, and women are more likely to “say goodbye” for emotional deception. The study found that if a woman betrays…

10 things easily mess up your sex life

“A bad impression needs ten good impressions to make up for it”, but in sexual life, it is often difficult for some inappropriate sex to have the opportunity to remedy. Some wrong sexual behaviors are likely to affect sexual harmony, cause coldness, and even ruin a good marriage. Recently, a number of sexologists have summed…

Ten years of marriage to talk to you about marriage.

No one can say that they have a lot of experience in marriage, everyone has their own feelings, warm and cold know. For example, some people like to be abused, not abused, but also feel that the other side is not a man. Some people like to submit, because she has no opinion at all,…

How to make the girl you like fall in love with you quickly

Every woman is different; if they were all the same, you wouldn’t be particularly interested in one, would you? There are many different ways to attract women, and here are some basic rules to help you win back any woman worth fighting for. 【Learn to get girls’ attention】 To have a life.  This is especially…

A happy marriage is a cure! Marriage can prevent many diseases

It is often said that marriage and family are safe havens. A happy marriage can help relieve stress and promote health. Recently, Dr. Scarlett Gomez of the California Agency for Cancer Prevention and her team took data from the California Cancer Registry on 400000 men and 400000 women with cancer between 2000 and 2009. Married…

Understand the four questions and avoid marital breakdown

Marriage is like a river, not always calm. Love, trust and mutual respect between partners are the patron saint of marriage and can keep them for a long time, while some bad habits, such as arrogance and ego, can disturb the peace of the marriage and even lead to “violent storms”. In response, French website…

Understanding psychosexual knowledge to ensure good health

Sex life is indispensable in married life, but some human sexual behaviors may have a certain amount of cleanliness, which makes sexual partners feel headaches. Everyone will question: What kind of disease is this? The appearance of sexism affects sexual life. Although it is a psychological disorder, the effects of long-term past will increase, so…

Divorce may be directly related to early death

Researchers at the University of Arizona in the United States found that divorce or a couple breakup was associated with the risk of premature death. The researchers analyzed information from 5,786 elderly people, 926 of whom had not remarried after a divorce or breakup, and others were in a marital state. The researchers analyzed their…

What if your partner is too clingy?

Love period has a sticky partner, you can meet the needs of intimacy, but over the period of honey, the partner also “all-round” guarding you, may let the person annoying. The other half is haunting you, there may be two kinds of reasons. One is their desire for intimacy. This kind of person although very…

8 tips to boost men’s sexual pleasure

To some extent, men’s pleasure is more complex and subtle, need careful maintenance, how to improve men’s sexual pleasure, is an important determinant of sexual pleasure or not. 1. Physical exercise is the best. Women depend on maintenance, men rely on exercise. In addition to having a healthy body and strong energy, exercise also increases…

A happy marriage is like a bank having to “save” on a regular basis.

In life, feelings need to be carefully managed, and happy marriages are even more so. From a certain point of view, a happy marriage is like a bank. It requires regular savings to maintain the happiness and sweetness of marriage. Well, both husband and wife order How to maintain regular savings by maintaining marital happiness?…

The most comfortable time of day for men and women to have sex

1. Taste early in the morning. This is a favorite time for men to have sex because most men wake up in the morning in an erectile state. But a lot of women have the opposite opinion. Women pay more attention to mood and enjoyment during sex, so it is difficult for them to tolerate…

What secrets do boys have that girls don’t know?

1 What are you dissatisfied with me? Please speak out directly. Don’t let me guess. If I accidentally say something or do something that makes you unhappy, please tell me right away. Don’t say nothing and say hello to me with a black face. I didn’t open the perspective of God. I don’t know what’s…

Don’t need a house or a car. 22-year-old Russian girl marries the Northeast.

On March 25, 2017, Chen Jingyang, a 28-year-old handsome boy in Heihe City, Heilongjiang, and his 22-year-old Russian bride, Luthansa, held a simple and formal wedding reception at the hotel. Friends and family alike praise Luthansa’s beauty, atmosphere, and high quality. At the same time, Chen Jingyang’s romantic love of “no room, no car, and 99…

Come and see! The expert taught you to read a man’s heart in five sentences

Did you ask your husband what he was thinking but he did not answer? Even in the most stable marriage relationship, men will have some ideas Tell your wife. According to the love dating site “” recently reported that Dr. Charles Schmitz, the chief marriage expert of the United States, and his wife interviewed couples from 53…

Love and Marriage are deeper “knowing self”

Our own stable qualities determine the experience in a relationship and guide our own language and actions. Then the facts are presented just like your inner truth. Your way to yourself is how you look when you spend time with your partner.If you love yourself, you will find that you are also being cherished. If…

Psychologists tell you: there are eight mysteries in marriage and happiness

Foreign psychological experts have found that there are about eight main characteristics of a lasting marriage. At the beginning of love, I feel that love life is happy. Traditional wisdom holds that mature love develops slowly over time. However, happy couples felt that they were extremely harmonious from the date of their acquaintance. They all…