Noise exposure may lead to increased risk of hypertension

The World Health Organization last month issued a new version of its guidelines on noise risk, which assesses five types of noise risk common in daily life and sets safety limits on human health for different types of noise.  The guide updated the 2009 edition, adding wind turbines and recreational noise to the previous edition,…

When should the phone be charged?

In the past, samsung Note 7 phones have experienced spontaneous combustion and explosion accidents. For a moment, safety issues about lithium batteries and mobile power supply have become the focus of public attention. “The mobile phone that can explode who dares to use!” “Mobile phone is not a bomb, how easy to explode? There must…

There are eight reasons why blood sugar levels can go up and down

A fluctuation in blood sugar is an unstable state in which blood sugar levels fluctuate between their peaks and troughs. The blood glucose of normal people fluctuated in physiological state, but the fluctuation range of blood glucose was less than 2 to 3 mmol / L in a day through their own neuroendocrine regulation system….

Scientists reveal the nine main reasons why people grow old

A recent paper in the journal Cell lists nine known mechanisms of aging. Researchers believe that if we can find the factors behind all these aging problems, we could achieve a breakthrough in the fight against aging. Nine causes of Human Aging. I. DNA error. As the body ages, the DNA starts to go wrong….

What factors determine the length of a person’s life?

Human life expectancy is determined by standard of living, public health and medical care. The average age of human beings in primitive society is only 20 years old. In China, the average age was only 30 years old in 1990, but now it is over 70 years old. During this period, obviously, human genes did…

Don’t rush to do eight things after a meal.

Do not rush to do eight things after a meal, if you are anxious to do these eight things after eating, will affect your health. No hurry to smoke Smoking after meals is 10 times more harmful than usual. This is due to the increased circulation of blood in the digestive tract after eating, which…

Scientists tell you 5 reasons that a vacation is not healthy

People often think that vacation can relax and relieve fatigue and stress. But the latest surveys by scientists have produced the opposite result: vacations not only do not give people a good rest, they can even lead to illness. Vacation leads to illness An investigation by a university in Bonn concluded that holidays do indeed…

Drooling during sleep may be the 7 most common factors

“I’m 30 years old and one of the more embarrassing things that happens is that I wake up every day and it looks like my mouth is wet and it has been happening for days. So, want to ask, what is adult sleep drool to return a responsibility?” Saliva, medicinally called “saliva”, secrete by salivary…

What do longevity people eat? How should I live longer?

A recent article on the reader’s digest website summarizes the longevity of centenarians. I feel young. People who feel three years younger or older than their actual age are far less likely to die within eight years than those who feel older, a university of London study has found. Feeling older increases your risk of…

Good sleep is not necessarily “get up early”

It is generally believed that getting up early and getting up early is good. However, if you do not consider the specific circumstances of your body, blindly pursuing an early rise is likely to hurt your health. Getting up early is relatively speaking. In the case of healthy sleep, the positive meaning of getting up…

What are the hazards of autism?

Autism is a fairly complicated disease. More and more children have symptoms of autism, which hurts their physical and mental health. The harm caused by the occurrence of autism is quite serious. We need A clear understanding of the talent, the following is for everyone to introduce the related hazards caused by autism. Normal children…

How to prevent prostate inflammation?

Prostatitis is terrible, then do you know that there is a way to prevent prostatitis? Let’s take a look at it together. Prostatitis is a relatively common male disease, its harmfulness is very large, it is easy to cause reproductive diseases, and it can lead to infertility, so we must be prepared to prevent prostatitis…

What should people pay attention to when the heart is not good?

People with bad heart schedules need to pay attention to many aspects of life and life. Only when they are well-trained and healthy, can they get a healthy and healthy life. So what should people pay attention to in their lives? Avoid emotional excitement Emotions have a great influence on people with bad heart. You…

What are the precautions for bathing?

After working for a day, returning home and taking a hot bath can improve the blood circulation of the whole body and eliminate the fatigue of the day. However, there are certain precautions in bathing. What are the precautions for bathing? When bathing, adjust the water temperature. The temperature of the bath water should not…

Does heat stroke cause death? How to prevent heat stroke?

Recently, the news that a first-grade elementary school boy in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, was killed in heatstroke while attending an off-campus activity has aroused widespread concern. Come and find out the dangers of heat stroke and how to prevent it. Heatstroke is a common symptom in summer. It is more likely to occur in high…

South Korea’s blowing fan caused frequent deaths. What is the reason?

Sleeping the electric fan will cause the body temperature to be too low, causing sudden death! ? South Korea’s report that “the electric fan is driving up and causing sudden death in sleep”, “20-year-old young couple sleeping and blowing electric fans to death”, “American soldiers stationed in South Korea to blow the electric fan and…

Can I exercise immediately after a meal, what is the reason?

Why can’t I exercise immediately after a meal? Running or exercising after a meal is not advisable. Because the digestive organs need a lot of blood supply after eating, work intensely. If you run or exercise at this time, it will inevitably cause the skeletal muscle to take away a lot of blood, resulting in…

How do women live better after divorce?

Women in the marriage if they stubbornly insist on it, it is better to choose the divorce to end their own status quo, but many women do not dare to do this, because the divorce of women seems more unfortunate, in fact, this is mainly a woman’s psychological work, This is not the case! What…

Not losing to age, sports make me prefer myself

Speaking of running my own business, I want to share my changes in the past year, that is, I love sports, make my body healthier, lower body fat, and let myself return to the best shape. I must sincerely tell you that women (not only women) must maintain themselves in the best condition, the best…

5 reasons for leg cramps in the middle of the night and treatment

In orthopedic clinics, patients often complain that they wake up in the middle of the night or in the early morning. The reason is that the calf muscles are involuntarily sputum, commonly known as cramps. The muscle spasm usually lasts for a few seconds to several minutes, making the muscles stiff and causing ischemia and…

How to quickly eliminate edema?

Sedentary all day, the ankles are swollen like bread, soaking hot water, rubbing massage cream, is it useful? After the shower, Miss Lin found that the calf was thicker than usual, the place of the ankle was more serious, and it was swollen like a fluffy large-faced tortoise. When it was pressed, it was sunken…

18 common sense of life prevention to help you stay away from doctors

“Who can still have a patient?” This is a line in a Chinese TV series. Anyone who reads this sentence will have a deep understanding. Even if “high-priced drugs” have been included in medical insurance, “no money to cure” is still a huge problem. Therefore, instead of blaming the social system and pharmaceutical companies, it…

Allie Kieffer and the Failing “Running Diet Method”

Losing weight is the reason why many people take steps to run. Indeed, using running as a means of weight loss is not inappropriate, but some easily overlooked details and errors in running weight loss often make runners “lose both sides” – not only lose weight is not obvious or weight does not diminish, even…

There are several manifestations of liver problems

The liver is a silent organ, and when it is damaged and hepatic dysfunction occurs, there are signs that can be easily ignored. In general, the symptoms of mild liver injury are not particularly noticeable. However, when the liver function fails, there will be more obvious symptoms, including symptoms of the digestive tract, nausea, vomiting,…