What can I do if I cannot sleep in bed?

Have you ever been sitting on a living room couch watching TV, nodding off when you were sitting on the living room couch, but getting completely sleepy as soon as you went to bed? Or is it easy to sleep in a bed in your own home while traveling outside? This may mean that you…

The 6 main causes of insomnia, why do you suffer from insomnia?

As urbanites have a fast pace of life and they have great work or life stress, many people will experience symptoms of insomnia. It can be said that insomnia has become one of the most common diseases of modern people. Insomnia, which means that you can’t fall asleep or have no way to stay asleep,…

A quarter of the people in the United States suffer from insomnia

At the 32nd American Association of Professional Sleep Associations (SLEEP 2018) in 2018, the Perelman Sleep Research School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania released a study that approximately 25% of Americans experience acute insomnia every year, but About 75% of them have recovered without persistent sleep loss or chronic insomnia. This new study…

Insomnia: cause, harm and treatment

Insomnia this “forced to stay up late” how torturous? When I lay down, I couldn’t sleep. I watched the time change from 11:00 to 12:00. Sometimes I woke up several times a night, even though I fell asleep smoothly. An authoritative measure of sleep quality If you have any sleep problems, use the Sleep quality…

Can Sleeping pills cure all insomnia? No way!

Many people have a lot of misunderstandings about sleeping pills. There are mainly the following: Myth 1: think sleeping pills can cure all insomnia. In fact, only simple insomnia is suitable for sleeping pills. This type of insomnia is the primary insomnia, refers to the absence of other physical and mental illness caused by insomnia….

What if I can’t sleep at night? Try to accept insomnia!

Why do you sometimes encounter “difficulty in falling asleep”? “There is not enough sleep during the day. The night was tossing and turning for a long time to sleep, the result is sleepy in the morning do not think of bed. “More and more people are facing this difficult problem of falling asleep.” Why do you encounter…