Abnormal thyroid can cause infertility

Speaking of the female infertility factor, the reason such as tubal impassability, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine dysplasia many people know, but thyroid disease may also cause female infertility actually. Experts say that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect female infertility. For women of childbearing age, it is suggested that thyroid function should be routinely tested…

7 diseases can affect sperm quality, leading to infertility

Male diseases should not be underestimated. Diseases such as varicocele, which have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, seem to be minor problems, but they pose a potential threat to sperm health and even harm. Orchitis: symptoms, causes, treatment, examination, prevention, and diet How to prevent orchitis and epididymitis? Prostatitis: Chronic prostatitis is a…

Men are likely to be infertile if they don’t eat meat

A new study published recently in the Journal of the European Federation of biochemical Societies shows that men who don’t eat meat are more likely to be infertile. Researchers at Tsukuba University in Japan and Cornell University in the United States found that taurine levels in sperm cells decreased significantly in male mice that lacked…

How long can AIDS live?Can AIDS have children?

How long can AIDS live.  How long can AIDS live? The duration of asymptomatic period of infection can be long or short, less is 2 years, and more than 20 years. Its length is closely related to the route of infection. In general, the duration of infection through blood (mainly illegal blood collection and sharing syringe)…

Infertility:Causes,symptoms,treatment,prevention and research

Infertility examination and examination project.  There are many reasons leading to infertility, it is recommended that both husband and wife to the formal hospital to do systematic infertility examination, so as to determine infertility is male factor, female factor or both factors. Women generally do vaginal and uterine tests, while men do semen tests, vasectomy, and so…