AIDS rash: nine risk signs of HIV infection

Infected with AIDS will generally appear rash, AIDS rash for the early detection of the disease is very useful. So, what is the AIDS rash? AIDS rash. 1. Appearance of rash. The appearance of the rash as raised spots, generally small and dark, the skin of people with whiter, dark red and brown, darker skin,…

How long can AIDS live?Can AIDS have children?

How long can AIDS live.  How long can AIDS live? The duration of asymptomatic period of infection can be long or short, less is 2 years, and more than 20 years. Its length is closely related to the route of infection. In general, the duration of infection through blood (mainly illegal blood collection and sharing syringe)…

Can AIDS cure? How to treat AIDS?

Can AIDS be cured?  Can AIDS cure? At present, there is still a lack of effective drugs to cure HIV infection worldwide. The current treatment objectives are: to minimize and sustain the viral load; to obtain immune function reconstruction and maintain immune function; to improve the quality of life; to reduce the incidence and mortality associated with…

How is HIV transmitted and how to prevent it?

The transmission of AIDS. What is the transmission path of AIDS? There are three main ways of HIV transmission, including sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother-to-child transmission, among which the main transmission route of AIDS is through sexual transmission and blood transmission. The transmission path of AIDS does not include general contact, so AIDS patients…

AIDS early symptom, AIDS has what performance?

Initial symptoms of AIDS. What are the initial symptoms of AIDS? Part at the beginning of the HIV infection in patients with no clinical symptoms, but most of the 6 solstice week can appear after HIV infection of HIV disease and clinical symptoms of acute damage produced by the immune system, HIV/AIDS in the early…

How did AIDS come about? Where was it originally from?

How did AIDS come about? There are gp120 and gp41 glycoproteins embedded in the lipoproteins of HIV (HIV) in vitro, and the CD4 glycoproteins on the surface of gp120 and lymphocytes have affinity, which can be combined with specificity. Gp41 mediated viral envelope fusion with host cell membrane. As a result, HIV can selectively invade…

AIDS/HIV: virus research and infection.

What is AIDS/HIV? What is AIDS? HIV/AIDS, also called acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of an infectious disease, mainly through sex, blood contact or contact transmission from mother to child. After HIV infection, the immune function of the human body can be suppressed, which can lead to…