Chicken, beef or fish which is good for fitness and weight loss?

Fitness enthusiasts are aware of the importance of protein for fitness, muscle gain, muscle repair process requires a large amount of protein to benefit, in addition to protein also increases the feeling of satiety in order to effectively help people reduce fat. Meat is usually used to get protein, such as beef, chicken, fish, and…

Here are five rumors you need to know about eating fish

Fish is a very nutritious meat food, you will add fish to your diet, there will be great benefits. By far the most important benefit of eating fish is that it targets cardiovascular disease. The Harvard study found that people who ate moderate amounts of fatty acid-rich fish per week were 36 per cent less…

Crucian carp, four types of people to eat less

From August to December, in many countries, squid is an essential food on the table, but for a small number of people, squid is not the best choice. From the perspective of nutrition, crucian carp has the following advantages: The amino acid composition of protein is close to the amino acid pattern of human protein,…

These fish can help you replenish your DNA

When it comes to brain development, many people think of DHA. This nutrient, known as “brain gold”, is known in Chinese as docosahexaenoic acid and is an important member of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. DHA not only helps the brain and vision development of infants and young children, but also delays the aging of the…

Does eating fish increase the number of sexual lives?

People in modern life are under stress and are prone to sleep well. Especially when couples face the pressure of “passing on the family”, what to eat can become a concern for many people. Studies have found that couples who eat more fish have more sexual behaviors and successful pregnancies are 60 percent faster than…

Fish oil protects the brain and eye cells of stroke patients

A study published recently by researchers at the Center for Excellence in neuroscience at the New Orleans Medical School in Louisiana, USA, found that the molecules synthesized from Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil as raw materials NPD1 help protect brain cells and retinal cells in stroke patients and other neurodegenerative patients. It is understood…

Women eat fish with special benefits

Fish is rich in nutrients, contains a large number of high-quality protein, and less fat, delicate and tender to eat, easy to digest.Recent studies have found that women are more suitable for eating fish. Besides being not easy to get fat, eating fish has the following special benefits for them. The is conducive to healthy fetal growth. A…

5 kinds of food may be as reliable as anti-inflammatory drugs.

When the throat, mouth inflammation, how many people’s first reaction is “quick to eat some anti-inflammatory drugs”? In fact, some foods can reduce the body’s chronic inflammatory response, you can not turn yourself into a “medicine jar.” Some food is an accessory to inflammation, or it’s better to stay away from them. “Life Times” invite authoritative nutrition…

How about a bad memory? What you eat improves your memory.

Whether life or work, need to use memory, if the memory is poor, not only in life will be abandoned, work efficiency will be much slower. So what if the memory is bad? There is no good way to improve. What can you eat to improve your memory? Fish 60% of the brain cells are…

Do frozen fish keep fresh nutrition?

After all, the Chinese have always had a big way to go to Rome. When the live fish can’t be bought, the chopsticks are also reaching for the frozen fish that haven’t disappeared yet. The fish from the ancient times is a big dish on the table, every festival, weddings and funerals are not enough,…