To lose weight and not eat fat? Be careful of gallstone disease

Key points: The study found that the risk of gallstones increased with the increase in BMI, and when BMI levels were higher than a certain level, vegetarians had a higher risk of gallstones than non-vegetarians. The incidence of gallstones was positively correlated with the intake of starch and added sugar in the diet, and even…

8 warning signs and 4 contraindications of myocardial infarction

The occurrence of acute myocardial infarction is often considered to be sudden and silent. In fact it is not, most of the omen of acute myocardial infarction, if the elderly appear the following symptoms, must be vigilant, if necessary, timely medical treatment. 1. Sudden severe chest pain or chest distress, or pain for more than…

Why is cancer difficult to find early?

Why are there more and more cancers? Why do some cancers find out in the late stage, how should we prevent it? Let’s take a look at science for everyone today. Why are some cancers found to be advanced? In most people’s minds, cancer is often synonymous with “end-of-life”. The scarcity of cancer stems from…

Can humans be infected with the “plague of pigs in Africa”?

What was the sudden outbreak of swine fever in Africa? Does classical swine fever infect people? Can pork be eaten normally? How can we prevent and control the epidemic of classical swine fever in Africa? Since August, three places in China, Shenyang, Zhengzhou and Lianyungang, have been affected by the outbreak of classical swine fever…

What kind of disease is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis, the course of disease is longer, there is a tendency to relapse, and some cases almost never heal. The onset of the disease is mainly in young adults, which has a greater impact on the physical health and mental status of patients. Clinical manifestations of erythema, scale-based, systemic can…

Irritable bowel syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Do you often have abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea? It could be irritable bowel syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a dynamic disorder of the whole digestive tract. Several characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome: Symptoms vary, but often include lower abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. Can be triggered by many physical and emotional factors. Diagnosis is…

These kinds of diseases can lead to low back pain

Lumbago is a symptom that can appear in a lot of people life, a lot of people after appearing lumbago the first idea is to suffer from kidney disease, lumbago must be caused by kidney disease? What other diseases does low back pain predict? Is lumbago caused by nephrosis? Not all low back pain is…

Tingling fingers can be a sign of seven diseases

In China, there is a saying called “ten fingers linked to one heart”. In fact, fingers are also a barometer of physical health. If the health condition is not very good, the fingers will give people some hints, especially if there is a tingling of fingers, we must be careful. Because it’s probably a sign…

Young people often stay up late may cause stomach cancer

Young age, how to get gastric cancer? Its cause, long – night and lack of sleep are important reasons. According to a social survey conducted by renmin university of China, people in large and medium-sized cities in China generally go to bed more than an hour later than in 1978. With the wide application of…

Nearly 90% of early stage lymphoma can be cured

The body is a little uncomfortable, search on the Internet, the search results can not help but be afraid that they have been seriously ill; But the doctor will tell you-it’s okay, don’t scare yourself. Most people will not know that even lymphoma, the eighth most common malignant tumor in the world, is one of…

Abnormal thyroid can cause infertility

Speaking of the female infertility factor, the reason such as tubal impassability, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine dysplasia many people know, but thyroid disease may also cause female infertility actually. Experts say that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect female infertility. For women of childbearing age, it is suggested that thyroid function should be routinely tested…

You need to know about liver protection and disease

The liver is the largest metabolic organ in the human body, with functions such as removing toxins, protein metabolism and decomposition, which can be said to be the busiest organ in the human body. Liver is also very easy to “sick” organs, daily maintenance is very important. Liver cancer is a “mute cancer,” and it…

The consequence of delayed treatment of varicocele

Varicocele is a common male disease that occurs in about one in 10 men. Varicocele is a varicocele, and most varicocele do not cause serious consequences. However, varicocele cannot be disregarded due to its special position. The spermatic cord is located above the testicles, which controls blood flow and metabolism in the testicles. If not…

What age is suitable for HPV vaccination? Three problems of HPV Vaccine

A while ago, many girls came to ask about the HPV vaccine: What age is vaccinal HPV vaccine better? After having sex, vaccinate HPV vaccine again is useless? After having been infected with HPV virus, can you still be vaccinated with HPV vaccine? Let’s answer those three questions today. What age is suitable for HPV…

Varicocele: causes, infertility, incidence, symptoms, and conservative treatment

Male fertility continues to decline is an indisputable fact!  It has been reported in the literature that male sperm quality is declining at a rate of 1% per year, which is by no means alarmist!  This speed is amazing, male fertility has reached a dangerous moment!  Everyone’s life, and the small “tadpole” inseparable. However, some diseases…

Laziness can lead to six types of cancer

Laziness can lead to six types of cancer. Lazy brushing: can lead to oral cancer Rinsing your mouth can reduce the bacteria in your mouth by 20% and brushing your teeth by 70%. Lazy brushing not only causes ulcers, bleeding gums and periodontal disease, but also increases the risk of colds and aspiration pneumonia in…

Eggs help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists: an egg a day can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease Eating an egg a day can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a joint paper by Chinese and British scientists. The study involved 416, 000 Chinese residents aged 30 to 79 who regularly reported their egg consumption over four years, with…

The relationship between different cancers and living habits

Cancer is recognized as one of the top three killers and a chronic disease that is difficult to cure in advanced cancer. In fact, many cancers can be prevented in life. A scientific report published in the journal Nature Communications in the United States shows that adjusting the diet can reduce the risk of cancer!…

What should people pay attention to when the heart is not good?

People with bad heart schedules need to pay attention to many aspects of life and life. Only when they are well-trained and healthy, can they get a healthy and healthy life. So what should people pay attention to in their lives? Avoid emotional excitement Emotions have a great influence on people with bad heart. You…

Constipation: should eat and should not eat

Constipation refers to a condition in which the stool is too hard or too dry and the bowel movement is not smooth or difficult to discharge. In general, the frequency of normal bowel movements is between three times a day and three times a week. Complications of constipation include hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and obstruction of…

7 diseases can affect sperm quality, leading to infertility

Male diseases should not be underestimated. Diseases such as varicocele, which have no obvious symptoms in the early stage, seem to be minor problems, but they pose a potential threat to sperm health and even harm. Orchitis: symptoms, causes, treatment, examination, prevention, and diet How to prevent orchitis and epididymitis? Prostatitis: Chronic prostatitis is a…

5 reasons for leg cramps in the middle of the night and treatment

In orthopedic clinics, patients often complain that they wake up in the middle of the night or in the early morning. The reason is that the calf muscles are involuntarily sputum, commonly known as cramps. The muscle spasm usually lasts for a few seconds to several minutes, making the muscles stiff and causing ischemia and…

Mediterranean diet helps to slow down osteoporosis

According to the British “Daily Mail” reported on July 11, Italian researchers first investigated the relationship between the Mediterranean diet and bone health, and found that Mediterranean food can increase the bone density at the femoral neck, so it is recommended that people with osteoporosis Adhere to the Mediterranean diet to reduce the risk of…

There are several manifestations of liver problems

The liver is a silent organ, and when it is damaged and hepatic dysfunction occurs, there are signs that can be easily ignored. In general, the symptoms of mild liver injury are not particularly noticeable. However, when the liver function fails, there will be more obvious symptoms, including symptoms of the digestive tract, nausea, vomiting,…

What is the cause of testicular swelling in men?

In the male scrotum, there are pairs of testes, epididymis, spermatic cords, etc., in which the testis is an important gonad of men and the birthplace of sperm. Once the scrotum is swollen and painful, it should be taken seriously, find the cause, and actively treat. Because this swelling and pain may come from the…

How to prevent orchitis and epididymitis?

Orchitis is a common infection of the reproductive system, which causes problems for many male friends. In daily life, it is necessary to prevent the disease and prevent the harm caused by the disease. How to prevent orchitis? What happened? Experts say that lack of sleep can lead to orchitis, which can lead to a…