5 reasons for leg cramps in the middle of the night and treatment

In orthopedic clinics, patients often complain that they wake up in the middle of the night or in the early morning. The reason is that the calf muscles are involuntarily sputum, commonly known as cramps. The muscle spasm usually lasts for a few seconds to several minutes, making the muscles stiff and causing ischemia and…

Midnight leg cramps have multiple causes

Older people often cramp in the middle of the night, and the higher the frequency of occurrence, the three doctors and Chinese medicine practitioners interviewed put forward their views and suggested treatment. At an older age, there will be some minor problems in the body in three days. Many elderly people often have leg cramps,…

Muscle cramps? 6 ways to get it easy

For sports, many men like it. Basically, everybody chooses to go for exercise, because exercise can improve our physical fitness. But when many people exercise, they will accidentally have muscle cramps. Do you know any ways to prevent muscle cramps? How to prevent muscle cramps Doing stretching exercises In every exercise, many people will do…