Normal intake of eggs every day does not raise cholesterol

A recent article said that a Swedish doctor ate 8 eggs a day and cholesterol was reduced. In this regard, many people have doubts. Didn’t they say that eating eggs would raise human cholesterol? How many eggs are you eating every day? Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, rich in vitamins and minerals, and are…

Eight foods to help you lower your cholesterol

Modern people often unwittingly eat too much food with too much cholesterol. Here are eight cholesterol-lowering foods to help you avoid cardiovascular disease. Shit. Cholesterol’s up again! Maybe you’re upset about the numbers, but many people have the same worries as you do. Adults consume an average of 357 mg of cholesterol per day, well…

Eating Cheese does not affect “Bad cholesterol” levels

Nutritionists advise people with high cholesterol levels to eat less or no animal fat. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have found that not all foods containing animal fat are bad. Also made from milk, cheese does not affect “bad cholesterol” levels in the body, while butter does.  Comparative diet The researchers recruited about 50…