8 points to treat high blood pressure

As a common chronic disease, hypertension has a marked upward trend in recent years. Relevant data show that there are currently about 300 million hypertensive patients in China, and 2 out of every 10 adults have hypertension. This also reminds everyone that the prevention and treatment of hypertension cannot be delayed. Six natural treatments for…

3 symptoms remind you of “blood slime”

In the normal state of blood, the concentration is uniform, and the flowing natural color is bright red; if the blood state is too viscous, the flow rate will become very slow, affecting the normal blood supply of various organs, and in severe cases Various chronic diseases. Blood viscosity usually occurs in middle-aged and elderly…

Take a look at your wrist. Are your veins blue?

We see that the blood flowing from the body is red, but sometimes the blood vessels seen through the skin are blue. Some people say that venous blood is blue due to lack of oxygen. Some people say that it is the color of blood vessels. Is that right? This is about hemoglobin in the…

Six natural treatments for lowering blood pressure

The diagnosis of hypertension usually means lifelong medication. Many patients are dragging their feet because they are concerned about side effects. According to Dr. Felicia Sterol, a registered nutritionist and exercise physiologist in the United States, this concern is understandable. Before taking prescription drugs, hypertensive patients can try the following natural remedies. If you are…

The advantages and disadvantages of blood donation

The benefits of blood donation When we mention blood donation, our first thought is to save lives, so what benefits does blood donation have to oneself besides benefiting others? 1. Blood donation has a good long-term impact on the heart-brain-brain system: it can prevent and relieve blood viscosity and reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and…

Want to protect the heart? Take good blood pressure first!

The American Heart Association updated the hypertension standard in November last year. The previous standard was 140/90 (high pressure no more than 140, low pressure no more than 90), and the new standard was 130/80. Exceeding the standard range was considered as a hypertension patient. Because many heart diseases are related to blood pressure, it…

Different blood types, suitable for eating something different

Humans have four blood types. Blood type not only determines a person’s personality, but also has an effect on physical fitness and dietary preferences. According to the history of human evolution and clinical experience, Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, the American physician, arranges the associations between blood types and foods, and provides appropriate dietary recommendations based…

Blood donation: diet and precautions

Appropriate blood donation is beneficial to the human body, for the promotion of blood circulation and circulation is a certain benefit, but also to pay attention to their own body condition is suitable for blood donation. Before donating blood, notice dietary supplement, what should eat, what cannot eat, look at these contents. You should be vegetarian…

The magic effect of black beans: can make blood vessels “younger”

Black beans, also known as scull beans, black soybeans, Jidou, branch bean, horse material beans, and so on. Come from breed cent, can be divided into green kernel black beans, yellow kernel black beans, Hengchun black beans and so on. In recent years, consumers have learned from a variety of information sources that black beans…

What does the food that really replenish blood have? How to replenish blood?

Tonifying blood is the most frequently mentioned “maintenance” purpose.  Pale face to “tonify blood”, cold hands and feet to “tonify blood”, dizziness forgetfulness to “tonify blood”, menstrual volume less also to “tonify blood.”  How?  Someone said:  Mending is the best! Red sugar, gelatin and jujube!  Unfortunately, these markets waving the blood of the flag of the…

What are the good ways to reduce blood fat?

Hyperlipidemia is a relatively common disease and it is also a serious problem. If high blood lipids are not prepared in time, it will seriously affect people’s health and cause irreparable harm.Here are some methods for reducing blood fat and we hope to help everyone. Let’s take a look! Hypolipidemic method 1, more to outdoor exercise…

Prevention and control of cardiovascular disease start with diet

With the alternating seasons, the temperature changes, people will have a body feeling sultry, emotional impatience, cardiovascular disease with the advent of the frequent season. In the diet to prevent cardiovascular disease, many people have misunderstandings. Myth One: “Nutrition is in the soup.” Many people think that vegetable soup is the most nutritious, the essence is inside. Therefore,…

Chocolate with coffee, stable blood sugar, blood pressure, unexpected results!

The more you eat, the more effective! Can lower blood pressure, antioxidant, prevent heart disease and stroke Chocolate can improve hypertension has been confirmed in the world When it comes to the three major complications of diabetes, none of the nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy is the case. However, in recent years, there have been more…

What are the good ways to reduce blood lipids

Hyperlipidemia is a more common disease, but also a more serious problem. If the high blood lipid is not in time to recuperate, it will seriously affect people’s health, causing irreparable damage.Below and you introduce a few ways to reduce blood lipids, hope to help everyone, a look at it! Squat for a long time stand…

Five recognized vascular killers.

Martial arts novels often “Ren du two veins” description, ren du two-vein relationship between the internal forces of operation, once through the ability to greatly increase. In fact, in the real human body, there is indeed a kind of “ren du two veins,” The magical organization, is blood vessels. blood vessels, veins, arteries, capillaries, are the…

Three cups of coffee a day clear blood vessels against atherosclerosis

A new study in Brazil recently updated the health benefits of coffee. Researchers at the University of São Paulo found that drinking three cups of coffee a day helped lower the risk of atherosclerosis, which in turn reduced the risk of heart disease and stroke. The study is aimed at more than 4,400 people with a…

New antioxidants make blood vessels “young” at least 15 years

A new antioxidant can keep blood vessels “young” at least 15 years old in older adults, a new study suggests. The team led by the University of Colorado at Boulder reported in the new issue of the journal Hypertension that they selected 20 healthy men and women between the ages of 60 and 79. Getting…

Can drinking vinegar soften blood vessels?

The nutrition value of vinegar is high, edible effect cannot ignore. Many people think vinegar has the effect of softening blood vessels. That’s the wrong idea. Drinking vinegar, sometimes not only does not soften the blood vessel’s role, but also may burn the esophagus and gastric mucosa. Vinegar can increase the appetite, promote gastric acid…

The body sends you six signals before Blood clots happens.

Brain thrombus, is it far from us? Cerebral thrombosis not only affects the physical and mental health of the patient, but also can lead to paralysis. For family, please take a look! For health, remember these signals! Cerebral thrombosis is also known as ischemic stroke. Domestic and foreign medical statistics show that the death rate…

4 cases show that your blood is sticky

Because the elasticity of the vascular wall is weakened, the cells in the official cavity become compressed, which in turn leads to blood viscosity, which slows down the blood flow and promotes the outbreak of cardiovascular disease. Generally speaking, if the elderly have the following four symptoms, that the blood viscosity in the body may…