Chicken, beef or fish which is good for fitness and weight loss?

Fitness enthusiasts are aware of the importance of protein for fitness, muscle gain, muscle repair process requires a large amount of protein to benefit, in addition to protein also increases the feeling of satiety in order to effectively help people reduce fat. Meat is usually used to get protein, such as beef, chicken, fish, and…

Taiwan Sexy Beauty “Aeifi” sells Beef Sexy Pictures

Milk model (Aeifi) shares a photo of her working to sell steaks on Facebook on Monday. She is focused on grilled beef in the light, but netizens are all attracted by the huge breasts behind the beef. The princess could not help joking, “would it be more convincing if I sold papaya milk?” “ 3 years ago,…

10 mature steaks easily lead to fatty liver.

Because you don’t like the gory feeling, many people choose to eat steak well-done. However, it is not very healthy to eat this way. Eating red meat is inherently more likely to increase the burden of the liver, while eating a cooked steak can raise the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease to the highest,…