5 effective methods to prevent flatulence of stomach

Although indigestion and flatulence are not serious illnesses, the outbreak is really life-threatening. Not only is appetite serious, but it also hurts to roll on the ground. It is very uncomfortable. In the end how to avoid flatulence, flatulence can eat something to ease it? How to be Health helps you to develop 5 good…

3 medication tips away from “drugs hurt the stomach”

The stomach is not good, especially those who have stomach ulcers, often taking medicine may hurt the stomach, there will be acute gastric bleeding, mucosal ulcers. Learning the following three tips will help reduce the number of drugs that hurt your stomach. Tip 1: Elective enteric-coated tablets or controlled-release dosage forms The causes of gastric…

These stomach-breaking habits, you have them, too.

Stomach injury is easy to nourish stomach difficult, people with stomach disease know, once contracted stomach disease is very difficult to fully recover, and stomach is related to whether we eat well. A good stomach is very important, in addition to nourishing the stomach, the prevention of stomach disease is actually more critical. In life,…

What tea nourishes the stomach?

If you want to be in good health, you have to raise your stomach, so how to raise your stomach. This topic has been a subject of great concern. We know that each person’s body constitution is different, so to drink what tea nourishing the stomach, that depends on the specific circumstances, if you are…

What are the fruits that are good for the stomach?

Fruit is the food that we eat almost every day, so what fruit can you eat to keep stomach for the person with bad stomach? Papaya: papaya contains papaya enzyme, which helps to break down and strengthen protein absorption, which can relieve indigestion and gastritis. Papaya is also a good food for invigorating the spleen…

What food can nourish a stomach?

Nourishing the stomach food We know that the person with bad stomach need special attention in the diet, in addition to not eat the food of some taboos, appropriate eat more nourishing the stomach, the role of protecting stomach food, but it’s good for stomach. What about the stomach food? 1. Millet: millet is one…

Four things left young women with stomach cancer.

“Stomach discomfort” may be one of the most common words now, especially among office workers. Gastric cancer is the most common digestive tract tumor, and the incidence is also high year by year. Four things left young women with stomach cancer. 1. Smoking and drinking. Smoking and drinking are also to be vigilant and not…