Here are five rumors you need to know about eating fish

Fish is a very nutritious meat food, you will add fish to your diet, there will be great benefits.

By far the most important benefit of eating fish is that it targets cardiovascular disease. The Harvard study found that people who ate moderate amounts of fatty acid-rich fish per week were 36 per cent less likely to die from coronary heart disease than those who did not eat it.

However, there are still a lot of rumors about eating fish, such as when and how to eat fish. Here are five common rumors about eating fish.

Is eating fish eyes good for your eyes?

Answer: yes, but the effect is small.

Fish eyes contain unsaturated fatty acids such as DHA and EPA. DHA promotes retinal development in infants and prevents cataracts and retinopathy. In addition, vitamin A in fish eyes can promote the growth of retinal epithelium. In these respects, eating fish eyes is really good for the eyes.

However, fish eyes are small and contain a limited variety of nutrients, which do not meet the needs of the human body. Want to rely on eating fish eye protection eye, the effect is negligible.

Fish roe can enhance male sexual function?

Answer: no.

There is no scientific basis for eating fish seeds to improve male sexual function, but fish seeds are rich in protein, cholesterol, vitamins A, B, D, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals.

Is deep-sea fish the best choice?

Answer: yes.

The vegetable oils we eat are mainly omega-6 fatty acids, and the effects of omega-6 fatty acids on blood lipid control and inflammatory response are not as strong as omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly obtained from deep-sea fish, including tuna, salmon, sardines, herring, and so on.

However, it should be noted that deep sea fish contain much higher purines than river fish, which metabolizes uric acid in the body. Excessive uric acid can lead to an increased risk of hyperuricemia over a long period of time, and sustained hyperuricemia increases the risk of gout.

It is recommended to eat deep sea fish 2-3 times a week, once about 200-250g. (this portion refers to pure fish, which does not contain fish spines or other discarded unusable portions.)

Sashimi is the better choice?

Answer: no.

Sashimi can be eaten, but be sure to handle it very well.

Fish pollution is actually very serious. Surveys of freshwater fish in southern china have found that 60% to 70% of the fish are contaminated with bacteria and parasites, which can damage the central nervous system if they enter the body.

However, these harmful substances can be killed by high temperature heating, so the cooked fish is safe.

If eaten raw, be sure to come from a reliable source and be very strict with your food. Don’t take risks for the taste or freshness of the food.

Is the freshly killed fish the best?

Answer: not a best practice.

If it’s fresh fish, it’s not best to cook it right away. It is best to take an hour or two apart, soak in clear water, or let stand for two or three hours.


Because the fish just killed, the fish’s parasites and bacteria did not immediately die, this time if not properly cooked, it will bring a certain risk.

After a certain period of time, fish after the stiff stage, the production of some organic acid will inhibit the proliferation and growth of spoilage microorganisms, at this time many bacteria also died, can improve the safety factor.

In addition, the connective tissue of fish after a period of time will become loose, taste better.

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