8 warning signs and 4 contraindications of myocardial infarction

The occurrence of acute myocardial infarction is often considered to be sudden and silent.

In fact it is not, most of the omen of acute myocardial infarction, if the elderly appear the following symptoms, must be vigilant, if necessary, timely medical treatment.


1. Sudden severe chest pain or chest distress, or pain for more than 15 minutes.

2. Occurrence of panic, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, pale, restless and so on.

3. Appear unexplained chest back ache, shoulder neck arm aches. The onset of pain is often characterized by a pain in the neck one day and a pain in the jaw the next day, or a pain one day and no pain the next day. Appear the phenomenon of this kind of painful shift, must cause attention, go to a hospital to see a doctor.

4. stomachache. Suffering from obesity, three high and usually no epigastric discomfort in patients, if there is a high degree of stomach pain to be vigilant, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris or acute myocardial infarction sometimes also performance for the stomach burning.

5. Toothache. There is a very short period of toothache, usually lasting about 3 minutes, and repeated within 1 week, the need to pay attention. In addition, similar to a bicycle tooth pain, stopped after the pain, and then started to ride the pain, this situation should not be ignored.

6. Anxiety, insomnia. Having never experienced insomnia, or worrying for no reason without any stimuli or anxiety, may be a sign of a heart attack. This kind of insomnia is not like the ordinary insomnia can not sleep, but suddenly woke up in the middle of the night without warning, feeling like a million horses galloping out of control, or the emergence of an inexplicable sense of fear.

7. His heart is beating fast. If, without any inducement, you suddenly find yourself beating faster for no reason at all, lasting between 1 minute and 10 minutes, and often occurring after physical activity, emotional agitation, or overeating, This could be a sign of a heart attack from the body.

8. If you feel tired and dizzy, you won’t be able to relax after the rest. Be on your guard.

Toothache could be a heart attack.

Cardiogenic toothache has the following characteristics:

  • Sudden onset, may have an inducement, such as emotional excitement, fatigue or after a full meal;
  • The toothache is intense, but the toothache spot does not discover the clear tooth disease;
  • Toothache place is not accurate, often a few teeth all feel ache, and general toothache can find corresponding diseased tooth place;
  • Paroxysmal pain, dental treatment and taking analgesics, still can not relieve toothache;
  • Do an EKG and you have myocardial ischemia. Cardiovascular risk factors (such as obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, etc.) patients, especially elderly people with unexplained toothache, should be considered as myocardial infarction.

The cardiogenic toothache may cause the fatal consequence, should carry on the electrocardiogram, the cardiac muscle calcium protein and so on promptly to the hospital, if necessary carries on the coronary artery contrast examination. Treatment options include drug therapy, stent intervention, and surgery. The prevention measures should not only control the cardiovascular risk factors introduced above, but also include reasonable diet, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, moderate exercise, balanced mentality and so on.

Four ways not to do it when you have a Myocardial Infarction.

The death of acute myocardial infarction often happens in the first hour of onset, but many people listen to the wrong emergency methods, not only do not save lives but may be fatal.

Don’t go to the hospital alone.

It’s right to go to the hospital with a disease, but for people with suspected heart attacks, all sorts of mild activity can increase the burden on the heart, perhaps one minute it’s okay, the next it’s life threatening.

Moreover, on the way to the hospital, hospital procedures, and so on, these processes may aggravate the deterioration of myocardial infarction. If there is no one around, once the cardiac and respiratory arrest, is likely to miss the best rescue opportunities.

The best way is to call a rescue number or a friend / relative.

Don’t drink water.

Some family members in patients with myocardial infarction occurred, someone will be frantic to help the patient sit down, let the patient drink water, pat on the back. Hope to reduce blood viscosity, but in fact, drinking water is “not helpful.”

First of all, if you let the patient stand up or sit up at this time of acute myocardial infarction, the tired heart will have to put more effort to supply blood to other places, and the amount of blood to the heart will naturally be less. The heart is working every minute and every second. It is the place where the blood supply is most needed by the whole body.

Moreover, if the patient is not conscious, drinking water can easily lead to aspiration, the occurrence of aspiration pneumonia.

In addition, myocardial infarction patients drink too much water, water quickly into the blood, so that the volume of blood increased, the patient’s heart is not sound can not bear, but the emergence of chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Don’t use nitroglycerin incorrectly.

Nitroglycerin is used to treat angina pectoris, it can directly allow systemic vasodilation, lower blood pressure, but acute myocardial infarction patients take to be cautious.

If the patient’s blood pressure is already low, medication will lead to further reduction of blood pressure, increasing the risk of shock, even if the blood pressure is normal, but also to lie down to prevent the occurrence of positional hypotension, and then dizzy fall.

The right thing to do is to take a blood pressure test before using nitroglycerin.

Do not use nitroglycerin if the patient’s blood pressure has fallen below 90 / 60 mm HG before taking the medication, or if it is higher but significantly lower than normal blood pressure.

Don’t blind cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is used in patients with cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest, but not all patients with acute myocardial infarction will lose their breath and heartbeat.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can increase the risk of ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) if the patient does not have cardiac and respiratory arrest. Inappropriate emergency treatment may even lead to rib fractures.

Only if the patient is unconscious, unresponsive, breathless, and unable to feel a pulse, can he or she undergo cardiac resuscitation.

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