Abnormal thyroid can cause infertility

Speaking of the female infertility factor, the reason such as tubal impassability, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine dysplasia many people know, but thyroid disease may also cause female infertility actually.

Experts say that both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can affect female infertility.

For women of childbearing age, it is suggested that thyroid function should be routinely tested before pregnancy, and for women diagnosed with thyroid disease, it is recommended to get specialist treatment before pregnancy.

doctor pointing at tablet laptop

After marriage the infertility is actually because of the hypothyroidism

Ms. Wu, 32, who has been married for several years, has been actively “pregnant,” but has not been pregnant, she and her family worried. Not only that, her menstruation also gradually not regular in recent years, accompany have fatigue, baldness wait for a symptom, weight also increased apparently.

What went wrong? She was accompanied by her family to the hospital. On examination, the doctor found that her thyroid function was abnormal. She was transferred to the department of endocrinology and metabolic diseases of the hospital. After detailed consultation and combined with auxiliary examination, the physician diagnosed that she had primary hypothyroidism, as well as autoimmune thyroiditis and hyperlipidemia.

After more than a month of symptomatic treatment, the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction and dyslipidemia gradually disappeared, returned to normal, and the sense of fatigue disappeared. Six months later, she became pregnant naturally.

An abnormal thyroid can cause an imbalance of sex hormones

What is the relationship between thyroid disease and infertility?

The thyroid gland is the endocrine gland of the human body, and the thyroid hormone secreted by it is the basis of all physiological activities of the human body, which is involved in the regulation of human growth, development and energy metabolism.

Under the normal regulation of thyroid hormone, our body can work methodically. Once the abnormal regulation results in the malfunction of regulation, the endocrine environment (including sex hormone level) of human body will be out of balance, which will affect the secretion and regulation of female hormones and reduce the chance of pregnancy.

The incidence of thyroid dysfunction in women is four to five times higher than in men, and it can lead to infertility if it occurs in women of reproductive age.

Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can cause infertility

Like the endocrine stress on balance, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are both diseases, which may be a barrier to pregnant women of reproductive age.

JiaJian is usually caused by thyroid “sabotage”, lead to all the body physiological activity slows, often makes people mental fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, menstrual disorders, easy to be sleepy, pregnancy JiaJian will affect fetal growth and brain development, some without clinical manifestations of patients with subclinical JiaJian, also can cause infertility, is by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) screening to confirm.

The clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism in women are the opposite. Usually, they are prone to agitation, fear of heat and sweating, insomnia, wasting, goitre, and irregular menstruation. At present, severe hyperthyroidism is believed to lead to infertility, and hyperthyroidism includes the increased probability of miscarriage and other adverse pregnancy outcomes in patients with subclinical hyperthyroidism.

Abnormal thyroid autoimmunity is also related to infertility. Currently, thyroid globulin antibodies (TGAb) and thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) are mainly measured. With these antibodies, the body’s immune system will attack thyroid tissue and produce symptoms of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Women with autoimmune thyroiditis (AITD) have an increased risk of endometriosis, placental abruption, and miscarriage, and patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have a higher risk of AITD infertility.

Thyroid function should be tested before pregnancy

The diagnosis of thyroid diseases mainly relies on specialist doctors’ consultation to understand the history, physical examination and necessary auxiliary examinations, such as thyroid function examination, b-ultrasound, etc.

If thyroid disease is found, it is recommended to see the endocrine specialist to determine its cause and severity.

For women of childbearing age who have hyperthyroidism, it is advocated that the “pregnancy” should be considered after the regular treatment is judged by the specialist, and the pregnancy is not recommended during the treatment.

However, if hyperthyroidism is found during pregnancy, we should not ignore the risk of this kind of disease and the anti-hyperthyroidism drug itself to pregnancy, we should consult a specialist to closely monitor, weigh the advantages and disadvantages and cooperate with the diagnosis and treatment, so as to minimize the adverse effect on the mother fetus.

For women of childbearing age who have clinical hypothyroidism or more severe subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH value 4-10mu/L), it is also necessary to actively treat them until the thyroid function is normal before pregnancy.

Because uncontrolled clinical hypothyroidism and more severe subclinical hypothyroidism are major causes of infertility, even pregnancy can lead to fetal dysplasia (such as physical dysplasia and postnatal mental disorders, commonly known as “cretinism”).

For TSH in 2.5 ~ 4 mu/L of subclinical JiaJian women of childbearing age, if the merger autoimmune thyroid disorders or previous existence of abnormal gestation and birth on the basis of (such as repeated TaiTing, recurrent miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth), etc., should also actively intervene before pregnancy, and regular follow-up after pregnancy period, cooperate with treatment, ensure the normal order of the thyroid function during pregnancy to maintain, in order to maximize the guarantee the health of the mother’s womb.

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