Eleven personality disorders and treatments

What is personality? Personality is derived from the individual’s own stable behavior patterns and internal processes (Berger’s “Personality Psychology”), that is, personality is a set of stable response to a specific situation, see the child fell down and cry you will help him up and comfort him; This is a stable way of helping people fall, and it reflects the fact that your internal psychological process is compassionate and helpful, and this trait is stable. That is, the next time you see a child fall, you will offer help.

Through your various reactions to life events, the final reflection of your personality, and personality disorder refers to deviation from a specific cultural background and general cognitive style, especially in social interaction, affecting social functions, resulting in maladjustment.


Deviate from specific cultural background and general way of understanding: just as Chinese people have always been hospitable, but people with personality disorders show apathy and autistic (deviating from cultural background), people think they are warm to him; He will respond with enthusiasm (a normal way of knowing), but people with personality disorders not only do not appreciate, but also resentment (deviating from the general way of cognition).

Personality disorders often occur in childhood and adolescence. Some personality factors (such as aggressiveness and apathy) lead to social maladaptation, and are quite durable and strong, and have a great deal of damage to themselves and others.

Characteristics of personality disorder:

  • In the absence of pathological changes in the nervous system, there are serious personality defects, showing serious deviation from the normal personality or personality development of the inherent disharmony. (not suffering from neurosis, but acting like a psychopath).
  • To the environment maladjustment behavior pattern repeats, the patient always stubbornly adheres to the maladjustment behavior pattern, therefore, is very difficult to make the adaptation behavior. Be aggressive when dealing with people and stubbornly believe that it is the fault of others not to make friends.
  • They lack insight into their own personality defects, fail to guide their actions correctly and effectively, and fail to draw lessons from past mistakes and life experiences. (insight: the ability to test one’s mental state and physical feelings and experiences as normal or not.).
  • Lack of clarity of purpose and motivation, lack of purpose, planning and stability of behavior, vulnerability to emotional impulses, accidental motives or instinctive desires, and poor self-control; More likely to conflict with others or make violations of social ethics.
  • Emotional development is not mature, the outstanding performance is extremely unstable, often changes, easy to impulse, irritable, easy to enhance or become low, poor self-regulation and control.
    Interpersonal imbalance, difficult to coexist with others.
  • Personality disorder patients’ personality deviation or the inherent incoordination of personality structure have relative stability, once formed is not easy to change.

Types and treatment of personality disorders. 

Paranoid personality disorder (PPD). 

It is characterized by suspicion and paranoia, mainly male, psychological analysis that they have a strong hatred and hostility to project outward, that others have the intention to persecute themselves, friends and relatives of the general mistrust, subjective judgment; Stubborn do not listen to advice, but also competitive, mean, a strong competitive spirit makes for better than their own people have a very strong jealousy, the general self-evaluation of this kind of people higher. Although paranoid personality disorder strongly suspects that others have the intention to persecute themselves, it is not delusion enough (a bit of information is needed to persecute him), although these disorders seriously affect the human-machine relationship of this type of person. But it usually maintains basic social functions. 


  • People with paranoid personality traits can be dangerous. Therapists need to control them, and therapists need to point out, step by step, what reality is like. But be careful not to humiliate the patient (the humiliated patient will defend himself on the assumption that the therapist will persecute him). 
  • Patients with paranoid personality disorder find it hard to trust anyone, and therapists are more likely to be professional than warm in individual psychotherapy. Be candid in dealing with the patient’s problems (otherwise the patient will be forced to suspect). 

Schizotypal personality disorder(PSD).

Isolated from society, emotional apathy, almost no interest in any activity, frigid, extremely lonely but very enjoy loneliness, like to put interest in some non-contact with people in the field. (mathematics, astronomy) this kind of person is very suitable to practice immortals. 


  • The therapist first encourages patients to develop an interest in social relationships, points out to them the value of social relationships, teaches them emotional responses, and helps them to experience the emotions of others. 
  • Patients can be trained in social skills using role-playing techniques, and therapists can play a friend or an important person to help patients learn the skills they need to build and maintain social relationships. 

Split personality disorder (SPD). 

Yes, you’re right, it’s called split personality disorder, and the big difference between split personality disorder and split personality disorder is that it has a certain social function. And schizophrenic personality disorder is usually locked up as a mental illness, yes, because it’s so schizophrenic, and it’s often not easy for therapists to distinguish. 

They tend to be cut off from society (no friends), act strangely (such as running around under the covers on a dog’s day), be paranoid (suspicious of being persecuted by others), and think fantastically (such as thinking they are aliens). Flying off in a spaceship one day with strange words (talking to yourself, or always saying that you can fly). 


  • Patients with mitotic personality disorder also suffer from severe depression, so both psychotherapy and drug therapy should be used. 
  • Due to the fact that schizophrenic personality disorder is thought to be related to schizophrenia, and that many of the problems expressed in this disorder are very similar to those of people with schizophrenia, So the approach to drug therapy is very similar to the drug treatment for schizophrenia. 
  • There are few studies on the treatment of schizophrenia, and the results are not satisfactory. However, the general approach is to teach them social skills, help them to interact with others, and reduce their mistrust of others.

Performance personality disorder (HPD).

Also known as attention-type personality disorder, highly emotionally unstable, requiring attention from others, uncomfortable if it is not at the center of others’ attention, And with extreme emotional characteristics to attract attention (angry, laughing and so on), exaggerated speech style, accompanied by very exaggerated gesture language, from time to show the intention to attract others. Such people tend to think of themselves as having close relationships, but this is not the case.


Most of the measures should focus on their problematic interpersonal relationships, as patients are accustomed to crying out loud, showing personal charisma, sexual attraction, in order to build intimacy with others and manipulate others to center on themselves. But this approach sacrifices the long-term benefits of relationships, and the focus of treatment should be on making patients aware of this and learning to deal with their needs and desires in a more appropriate way.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Narcissism everyone is a little bit more or less, after all, each person is unique, and narcissistic personality disorder think they are the most special in the world, need very noble people in order to associate with. Obsessed with success, beauty, talent, ideals, or love (Note: narcissism is not just about your looks, it can also be about your success, talent, etc.) because they think they are the most special. So the general use of others to achieve their goals without regard for the feelings of others do not respect others also make them in human interaction behavior is very arrogant which makes people around narcissistic personality disorder very uncomfortable.

At the same time, narcissistic people live in their own fantasy, he is obsessed with such as success, beauty, talent, such as beautiful love can not actually get, they also live in the pain of not adapting to the world.


  • The main aspects of treatment are the distorted self, the morbid sensitivity to others’ evaluation and the lack of empathy towards others. The goal of cognitive therapy is to replace unrealistic notions of self-aggrandizement with pleasurable experiences that are actually available in daily life (such as praise from aunts and uncles and praise from parents for doing household chores). Use coping strategies such as relaxation training to help them accept criticism from others.
  • Narcissistic personality disorders tend to be accompanied by depressive emotions and appear to be more likely to be in a severe state (depression caused by a large gap between idealism and reality), so for middle-aged patients, start with depression. (in middle age, he finds that his dream is even more remote.)

Avoidance personality disorder (APD). 

It’s the fear of socializing, the feeling that you’re incompetent, that you’re unattractive, that people don’t like you, and that it’s probably due to the fact that you’re more sensitive to negative evaluations of others in your early interactions with people. So in subsequent relationships, people are perceived as unwilling to accept themselves before they have begun to communicate, and will not interact with others unless they are visibly welcomed at the outset. 

Patients long-term out of social relations, social sensitivity, withdrawal, avoidance. (note: these patients have a desire to socialize with others, but their lack of confidence leads them to refuse to socialize with everyone, while the split personality disorder has no interest in socializing with others.). 


  • Psychodynamics (psychoanalysis) usually helps patients to uncover the root causes of symptoms and to repair the forces of the self that play a role in the unconscious. Use hypnosis to find the root cause of the symptoms, and at the same time mobilize the power of the self. 
  • Behavioral therapy usually involves behavioral therapy training “and exposure therapy, which requires increased social contact with the patient.” 
  • Cognitive therapists build a more positive self-image by changing patients’ beliefs and thoughts, increasing their tolerance for emotional discomfort (recognizing their strengths, customer service to socialize and others reject their perceptions). 
  • Medication is effective for the treatment of anxiety and depression in patients with depression and anxiety associated with avoidance. 
  • Group therapy: the group itself to the members of the social interaction requirements, is an effective form of training for patients, while taking exposure therapy, role-playing and psychological support method, can obtain some results. 

Dependent personality disorder. 

In an intimate relationship, we all have a certain degree of dependence on the other person. (intimacy is not just a romantic relationship, it is also a close relationship between a good brother and a best friend. Parents or other psychologically close relatives are close, but dependent personality disorder is overly dependent on others, showing that everything needs to be taken care of, that they are obedient to each other, that they are afraid of separation, and that they have separation anxiety. It feels like he can’t live without him. 

Not only that, they generally have no opinions, because they are afraid of disagreements and lose each other, so they never express their opinions. An intimate partner is asked to take care of himself or herself too much. When an intimate relationship ends, they rush to establish another intimate relationship, and they live in constant fear of being abandoned and unattended. 

The biggest problem with dependent personality disorder is a lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, the belief that one cannot live independently without the care of others, and pandering to the opinions of others in order to retain them. This pandering is effective at first, but too much dependence can lead to a sense of exhaustion on the part of the dependent party. 


  • In Behavioral Cognitive Therapy, therapists help patients face and change their beliefs about their maladjustment (recognizing that they are capable of living on their own), and train patients to better express their needs and desires. 
  • Humanism: mainly to solve the problem of dependence on the therapist in the treatment of patients. 
  • Group therapy can promote communication between patients, help to shape and express behavior, help patients to develop the ability to solve problems and express personal views, and build self-confidence.

Compulsive personality disorder. 

Such patients are orderly, obstinate, perfectionist, inflexible, and inflexible (for example, they must arrive at the office 15 minutes before work, not a second early and a second late). If you don’t come into the office early, you don’t come in until fifteen, and you get anxious late.) they pay attention to details, rules, schedules, and organization. Causing them to miss some of the main aspects of the activity (enforcing the rules makes them behave rather rigidly, such as not speaking in the elevator, When a call comes, you wait until you get off the elevator.) sometimes these obsessive-compulsive disorders prevent you from getting your work done. (if you have to tidy up your desk before you work, you spend a lot of time each day on pointless tidying. These patients hate working with other people because they don’t do things their own way. 

But this group of patients can also become talented or very distinguished people, if they force themselves too hard on their work and strive for perfection. Well, because of the intense pursuit and unremitting efforts of their hearts, they can eventually achieve very high results, but in any case, their tendency toward perfection for themselves and for them is unacceptable, and these patients generally also have families. But it’s hard to build an intimate relationship. 


  • Psychodynamic or cognitive therapy: helps patients to better understand, experience, and accept their true emotions; addresses their insecurities; and requires them to take risks and accept their personal limitations. Accept your true feelings, don’t repress them all the time, and be brave enough to break the rules you set for yourself. 
  • Cognitive therapists help patients correct their radicalized thoughts, perfectionism, indecision, and procrastination, so that patients can better cope with their persistent anxiety (why perfectionism procrastinates?). Because perfectionism wants to do things perfectly, they have to wait until everything is ready before they start to work. They don’t have a good idea of what to prepare for in the preparation process. 

Borderline personality disorder. 

It’s the kind of personality disorder that does the most harm to yourself, and as his name suggests, people with this personality disorder are on the brink of a precipice, and these people are emotionally unstable. Will experience from sudden rage to extreme depression, often accompanied by impulsive self-harm behavior, repeated suicidal behavior, and suicide success rate is the highest of all personality disorders, they will often be depressed for a long time. It lasts for many hours at a time and is irritable and anxious in a depressed state. Or a permanent sense of emptiness. 

The causes of borderline personality disorder are largely related to traumatic childhood events, especially sexual and physical abuse, because girls are more likely to be sexually assaulted than men, resulting in a higher prevalence of borderline personality disorders in women than in men. 


  • Psychodynamics: the solution of exposure and internal psychological conflict, improve their control of the conflict, enhance the tolerance of anxiety, improve their emotional control ability, develop a stable personality relationship. 
  • Cognitive behavior: reconstructing the relationship between patients and therapists, modifying the “early maladaptation schema” 
  • Dialectical behavior Therapy: 1. Every other week individual psychotherapy, the key is the behavior therapy, carries on the dialectical analysis according to the concrete question using the counter-evidence, the metaphor, promotes the patient to adapt effectively, learns to deal with the emotion wound. 

    2. Skill training: assign very regular homework. The patients were trained at home to learn interpersonal skills in conflict, with the goal of achieving goals, enhancing interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, and emotional regulation training was carried out at the same time. 

    3. Weekly consultation and supervision meetings to exchange experience. 

    4. Doctors and patients should keep in touch with each other by telephone, help patients to seek help in time when they encounter difficulties, and encourage patients to apply the skills they have learned in practical situations. It can be seen that borderline personality disorder is very difficult to cure. And in the healing process or recovery process will also have the risk of recurrence, which requires the strong support of relatives and friends around the patient to help patients really come out from the disease. 

Antisocial personality disorder. 

They have personality traits that are highly contrary to social norms, highly aggressive, deceiving and teasing others for fun, irresponsible and inconsiderate of the safety of others, and do not draw lessons from previous lessons; They don’t feel remorse for their harmful behavior. They tend to have conduct disorders like lying, skipping school, fighting, smoking and drinking by the time they reach the age of 15. 


  • Bandura’s behavioral therapy, Bandura uses the principle of learning to provide a controlled environment in which the patient is subjected to the necessary external constraints and provides an improvement for the patient to serve as a model for other patients. So that they can learn from each other and improve. The main steps are: 1. Withdrawal from meaningful reinforcement of antisocial behaviour and, where necessary, punishment for such behaviour. 

    2. Shaping the desired alternative behavior and systematically reinforcing or rewarding the imitation behavior. 

    3. Under the condition that individual behavior can be self-controlled gradually. Gradually replacing material rewards with symbolic ones. 

  • Cognitive therapy: to improve social and moral behavior by improving patients’ cognitive abilities. The therapists try to guide patients to think at a higher or more abstract level according to the law of moral and cognitive development through guided discussion, structural cognitive exercises, behavioral experiments and so on. 

Undefined personality disorder. 

The behavior patterns and cognitive styles that have emerged cannot be categorized into any of these personality disorders, namely, the amorphous personality disorder, about which the treatment varies and the efficacy is unknown.

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