AIDS rash: nine risk signs of HIV infection

Infected with AIDS will generally appear rash, AIDS rash for the early detection of the disease is very useful. So, what is the AIDS rash?


AIDS rash.

1. Appearance of rash.

The appearance of the rash as raised spots, generally small and dark, the skin of people with whiter, dark red and brown, darker skin, dark purple and black.

Rashes can occur in any part of the body, but are common on the face, torso, hands, feet, and genitals.

2. Symptoms of rash.

Rashes can be painful and itchy in the early stages of HIV infection.

Usually accompanied by diarrhea, fever, lymphadenopathy, muscle soreness, sore throat, lethargy and other symptoms, that is, often said the initial symptoms of AIDS.

It is worth noting that there is no rash, it must be infected with HIV, infectious soft warts, herpes simplex and herpes zoster infection, Kaposi sarcoma lesions can also cause rashes.

3. When the rash appeared.

In general, the rash appears in the 2 weeks after infection with HIV, 4 weeks, lasting about 4 weeks, at least 7 days. After 2 weeks of HIV infection, until the development of AIDS throughout the period, may appear rash.

4. Significance of rash.

HIV-induced rashes occur during seroconversion when HIV tests are positive.

In other words, if infected with HIV, and there is a rash, then the test results will be positive. This also shows that the AIDS window period of about 4 weeks.

Nine danger signs of AIDS.

1. Oral candida infection:

Commonly known as thrush, thrush is the most common AIDS opportunistic infection disease, also known as snow mouth disease.

2. Rapid weight loss:

Rapid weight loss is a common problem after HIV infection. If you don’t lose weight, rapid weight loss is a serious problem.

3. Diarrhoea:

Diarrhea is one of the most annoying symptoms of AIDS, as it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, and opportunistic infections to the intestinal tract can lead to diarrhoea.

4. Disturbance of lipid metabolism and lactic acidosis:

The side effects of AIDS drugs is no secret, the side effects produced by drugs is lipid metabolism disorders. After taking AIDS drugs for a period of time, in addition to the typical nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms, patients may slowly develop muscle pain, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and other symptoms. These symptoms mean that the patient is most likely suffering from lactic acidosis.

5. Depression and headache:

Psychological and physiological reasons, will make AIDS infected with nervous system problems, AIDS infection caused by psychological pressure, HIV damage to brain cells will cause neurological symptoms.

6. Peripheral neuropathy:

Peripheral neuropathy is a common symptom of HIV infection. Peripheral neuropathy can damage the sensations of the hands, feet, mouth and lips, but it may be more than the result of HIV and, in most cases, It is a side effect of some AIDS drugs.

7. Fatigue and night sweats:

After infection with HIV, patients often feel tired and night sweats, usually no strength, sleep at night out of a sweat, which all indicate a problem in the human body.

8. Rash:

Rash is one of the most important early symptoms of AIDS infection.

9. Lymphadenopathy:

Diameter 0.5cm above, slowly increasing, tough, sliding round hard core, to the neck most commonly.

What is the difference between an AIDS rash and an ordinary rash?

AIDS rash.

AIDS rash is generally small dark plaques, slightly protruding.

It usually appears in the neck, but may also be in the front (chest) or back. Sometimes AIDS rashes will be seen on the limbs.

A person with pale skin may have a dark red or reddish brown skin rash, while a person with a darker complexion will often have a purple skin rash or a black skin rash.

The rash is accompanied by a variety of symptoms, including reported muscle pain, fever, headache, thrush (white spotted mouth) and diarrhea.

After infection with HIV, a generalized rash usually occurs at 2-4 weeks, with the facial side, neck, shoulder, back, waist, and extremities as the predisposing areas. The rash protrudes the skin, the wound is obvious, the color is red or the deep purple, along with the rash development, the hypodermic appears the swelling core, presses when the ache, when will become the serious piece the appearance.

Common rash.

A common rash is a skin lesion.

From simple skin color change to skin surface bulge or blisters, there are a variety of manifestations.

Rash is characterized by large, small pieces of red smallpox, sometimes itching, and sometimes not itching. There are many kinds and causes of the disease, which need to be diagnosed according to different conditions.

How to deal with AIDS rash.

  1. Do not scratch, especially where there are blisters and papules, as long as there is a little damage there is a risk of infection. Patients often catch it unconsciously at night, so they have to cut their nails short.
  2. Clothing, especially shirts and close-fitting clothes, do not have irritating. Generally to the texture of soft cotton cloth to do the best clothes, do not wear chemical fiber and woolen goods.
  3. Don’t eat food that is irritating and greasy.
  4. Defecate wants unobstructed, when having constipation, can take laxative or enema.
  5. Keep skin and mucous membrane clean.
  6. To carefully observe the presence of systemic symptoms and the type of rash.

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