Why does wound form scab when can have “urticant hard to endure” feeling

Why the wound is scabby when, can have a kind of “strange itch is hard to endure” feeling? Is it really the wound that is trying so hard to heal? How to relieve itchy wounds?

In life, we are not immune to injuries. They can be cut by a knife, skinned by a fall, scalded by boiling water, scratched by a pet, or cut after surgery. When the wound heals, most people experience a feeling of “first pain, then itch.” Especially the wound scab, the wound will be very itchy, but I worry about whether to scratch.


Why is the wound healing, can itch hard to endure? Be like elder to say really, feel urticant point to wound quick good?

Before we talk about this, we need to understand the healing process of wounds.

Wound healing usually goes through three stages:

1. The first stage is coagulation and hemostasis.

When bleeding, the first cells to arrive at the scene are “platelets.” Not only do platelets help stop the bleeding, they also send a signal to other cells that “the body is injured, come and help.”


2. The second stage is the process in which white blood cells gather in the wound, and this stage processes the infection such as bacteria and virus. (white blood cells are swallowing foreign matter.)


3. The third stage is the growth stage, also known as the “growing meat” stage.

At this stage, the previously damaged wound will grow some “new meat” to fill the damaged area. This “new meat” will become connective tissue, and the previously damaged skin nerve and blood vessel will also grow into the “new meat”.


Itching also occurs at this stage.

This is because the newly born nerves are so sensitive that they feel itchy when stimulated, just as blood vessels are growing, and when they squeeze each other, they become particularly itchy.

However, nerves are only involved in the healing process in the final stages, so when the wound is itchy, it is often a sign that the wound is getting better.

When the wound is fully grown, the new nerves become less sensitive to stimuli and become less itchy.

Do all wounds itch when they heal?

In fact, only wounds to the dermis will itch when they heal, and superficial wounds of the epidermis will not itch when they heal.

Our skin is divided into epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

Epidermal layer is the outermost skin, it not only has the cuticle layer, also has the basal layer, this layer of cell has the strong vitality, can grow and reproduce unceasingly, the epidermal injury shallow wound, depends on the base layer grows well.

In the process, it doesn’t touch our nerves, so it doesn’t feel itchy, and it doesn’t have scars when it’s long.

The wound is too itchy, cannot scratch again, how should do?

Itchy wounds are a normal phenomenon and generally do not require special treatment. Care should be taken to avoid scratching, rubbing clothes, washing wounds with hot water, preventing infection and delaying wound healing.

During wound healing, especially in patients after surgery, more attention should be paid to diet. Avoid irritating foods such as scallions and garlic, and eat more green vegetables and fruits to help heal wounds.

If you can’t resist, use a clean cotton swab with hot water to wipe the area around the cut.

But the best anti-pruritic is still time.

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