The author of “little maruko cherry” has died of breast cancer at the age of 53. How far is breast cancer from us?

Japanese media reported on the evening of August 27 that many people sighed over the death of the famous cartoonist and original “sako maruko”, who died of breast cancer at the age of 53.

Breast cancer is the highest incidence of cancer among women in the world, and the mortality rate is firmly in the top 10. With the change of marital behavior and living habits, the incidence of breast cancer in China has increased significantly, and its growth rate is twice the global average, with about 210,000 new cases every year.

So how far is breast cancer from us, and what kinds of women are susceptible to it?

The original author of little maruko cherry (real name: miyuki miura)

Family history of breast cancer

Five to 10 percent of breast cancers are familial, and if a first-degree relative (such as a mother or sister) has breast cancer, the risk is two to three times higher than in the general population.


The initial onset age of women in China is much earlier than that in developed western countries. The incidence of breast cancer has been gradually increasing since the age of 30, reaching its peak after 50, and then gradually decreasing. The age of onset of breast cancer in Chinese women is 10 years earlier than in western countries.


Excessive intake of high-fat and high-calorie food will lead to weight gain. Data show that for every 10kg of weight gain, the risk of breast cancer will increase by 80%.


Sit more and move less, lack exercise and lead a single life.

Emotional factors

Urban women are under great pressure and mental stress for a long time, leading to emotional instability, and often stay up late to work overtime, which will lead to endocrine imbalance and increase the risk of breast cancer.


The more estrogen a woman secretes, the more likely she is to develop breast cancer: for example, menarche is earlier than 12 years of age, menopause is late, lactation is short, use the beauty product that adds estrogen and take the health care product that adds estrogen.

Hyperplasia of mammary glands

Benign mammary gland hyperplasia won’t be malignant commonly, but in mammary gland hyperplasia age is older, medical history is longer, bump is bigger, painful time is longer, bump and menstruation relation is not apparent, should alert occurrence the possibility of malignant change.


Women who receive regular x-rays are nine times more likely to develop breast cancer.

History of induced abortion

Induced abortion is an early age, with a 10 percent higher risk of breast cancer than those who have not had an abortion.


Some drugs, such as blood pressure medication reserpine, phenothiazole and steroids, may increase the risk of breast cancer.


Dietary advice for preventing breast cancer

World renowned nutritionists, epidemiologists and oncologists were enlisted by the world cancer research fund in conjunction with the American cancer institute to launch food, nutrition and cancer prevention, a 22-year study recommended as a milestone in scientific research in the food and nutrition community. Fourteen dietary recommendations for cancer prevention are included in the report, which could be seen as a strategy for preventing breast cancer.

  1. Proper diet: plant-based foods should occupy more than 2/3.
  2. Weight control: adults maintain an average BMI[calculated as weight (kg)/height (m) squared] in the range of 21 to 23.
  3. Exercise: keep a brisk walk or similar exercise for an hour each day.
  4. Eat starchy and fibrous foods: foods rich in carotenoids should also be increased.
  5. Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  6. Don’t drink alcohol: if you want to drink alcohol, limit it to 2 cups for men and 1 cup for women (250ml beer, 100ml wine or 25ml liquor).
  7. Control meat: less than 80 to 100 grams per day.
  8. Eat less salt: adult salt should be less than 6 grams a day.
  9. Limit high-fat foods, especially saturated fatty acids and animal fats.
  10. Keep perishable food safe.
  11. Avoid foods that are contaminated with mold or stored at room temperature for a long time.
  12. Strict management of food additives, contaminants and other residues such as pesticides.
  13. Reasonable cooking, relatively low temperature cooking of meat and fish, do not eat charred meat and fish, do not often eat grilled, smoked fish and meat.
  14. Eat a variety of foods to obtain a variety of beneficial substances without relying on nutritional supplements.

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