These vegetables with mucus, which have excellent health effects

When cutting vegetables, some vegetable juices are like water, while some vegetable juices are very sticky. Why?

What many people don’t know is that these mucus foods are more nutritious! It is called “the fairy water” of the food!

For example, these mucus help to delay the onset of aging, regulate insulin, reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, high blood fat, and arteriosclerosis…

What is sticky?

Some people refer to these mucus as “the saliva of plants.”

Why are they sticky? Because they are rich in mucin and plant polysaccharides.

8 kinds of vegetables with mucus, which have excellent health effects

Food mucus benefits

In the view of Chinese medicine, the mucus of plants has the following advantages:

  • Protect the lungs
  • Good for the kidney (the kidney of Chinese medicine is a combination of a series of organs, not just the kidney)
  • Protect the skin

In Western medicine, plant mucus has the following benefits:

  • Intestinal cleansing, relieve constipation
  • Enhance immunity
  • Prevent and fight cancer

The benefits are so much, don’t miss these foods!


Cut the yam, you can pull out the sticky filaments, which is its unique mucin and mucopolysaccharide.

Yam is rich in starch, amylase, protein, multivitamins and other nutrients, and has the functions of lowering blood sugar and blood lipids, enhancing immunity and anti-aging.

The yam polysaccharide is easily soluble in hot water, so for yam, no matter how it is cooked, it can almost completely preserve the nutritional value of yam.


  • Some people will itch when they touch the yam. It is recommended to wear disposable gloves for protection when handling yam.
  • If you have already encountered the mucilage of yam and feel uncomfortable, wash your hands as soon as possible.
  • After peeling or cutting, it is recommended to soak the yam in cold water immediately, otherwise it will be black.
  • Yam contains more starch, and it is necessary to reduce the amount of staple food after eating to ensure heat balance.
  • Diabetic people can not eat too much yam, otherwise it will affect blood sugar stability


The black fungus has been praised by nutritionists as “the scorpion of the prime” and “the king of the prime”.

It is rich in protein and eats black fungus, which can improve the body’s immunity.

It is also rich in gums, can promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce the absorption of oil, suitable for the elderly with weak digestion or need to laxative.

It is generally considered that it is best not to eat fresh fungus and choose dry fungus.


Okra, looks like pepper, the sticky liquid inside the okra does not need us to introduce, every time you eat okra has a lot of mucus into the mouth, although inconvenient, but we can not deny the nutrition.

In fact, this viscous liquid is one of the nutritional essences of okra, and it is rich in soluble dietary fiber such as gum, gum arabic, and hydroxymethyl cellulose.

  • Promote gastrointestinal motility and maintain vitality of the intestines;
  • Provides nutrition for probiotics in the gut and maintains a healthy intestinal microbial environment;
  • Adsorption of a certain amount of cholesterol is carried out out of the body to achieve the purpose of reducing total cholesterol.
  • The mucus of okra can swell and expand, increasing the volume to prolong the residence time of food in the stomach, slowing the digestion and absorption rate of carbohydrates, and helping to prevent blood sugar from rising too fast after meals.


The mucus component of loofah is a loofah polysaccharide, which has the effects of assisting anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering effects.

Modern pharmacological research believes that the inducing agent containing interferon in loofah can stimulate the body to produce interferon, antiviral and anti-cancer. The mucus in the loofah, citrulline, wood glue and saponin all have phlegm and cough. Loofah is rich in vitamin C and can be used to prevent and treat scurvy and vitamin C deficiency. Loofah has high vitamin B1 content and has a brain-enhancing effect. It is useful for pediatric brain development and middle-aged and elderly people to maintain brain health.


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