The relationship between different cancers and living habits

Cancer is recognized as one of the top three killers and a chronic disease that is difficult to cure in advanced cancer. In fact, many cancers can be prevented in life.

A scientific report published in the journal Nature Communications in the United States shows that adjusting the diet can reduce the risk of cancer! Most of the cancer is eaten, and of course it can be eaten back!

We made a summary and found that the occurrence and cure of cancer are related to the following 10 words, you must pay attention to it~

The relationship between different cancers and living habits


More than 25 grams is dangerous

– breast cancer, pancreatic cancer

Swedish scientists have conducted a follow-up survey of 80,000 people for 9 years and found that excessive intake of sugar, sweet drinks, jams and other foods will increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Eating sugar can cause a large amount of insulin secretion, which impairs the function of islets and becomes one of the potential factors for inducing pancreatic cancer.

Researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the United States discovered earlier this year that large amounts of sugar in a typical Western diet increased the risk of breast cancer and cancer metastasis to the lungs.

The World Health Organization recommends that the daily intake of sugar should be controlled within 50 grams, preferably no more than 25 grams.


65 degrees Celsius (156.2 degrees Fahrenheit) is the temperature of cancer

——Esophageal cancer, cardiac cancer

Chinese people especially pay attention to “hot”, but a new study released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer shows that drinks with a temperature above 65 °C (such as coffee, tea, etc.) may cause esophageal cancer.

Epidemiological studies have found that the Chaoshan people who love to drink kungfu tea, raw porridge, the Taihang mountain residents who love to drink large bowls of hot porridge, and the Xinjiang Kazakhs who often drink hot milk tea are high-risk people with esophageal cancer and gastric cardia cancer.

This is because overheated food can damage the esophageal mucosa, eat hot food for a long time, and the mucous membrane is repeatedly subjected to chronic damage, which may cause chronic inflammation, thereby increasing the possibility of cancer.


The more you eat fast food, the easier it is to cause sub-health.

– nitrite carcinogenesis

Many people are too lazy to cook, like to eat processed foods such as ham and sausage. Others are used to eating out. This can easily lead to excessive intake of oil and salt, which poses a risk of cancer.

It is a common practice for many people to heat up leftovers and eat them, but leftovers often have a risk of carcinogenic nitrite.

It is recommended to eat on time, quantitatively, eat fresh food, try not to eat leftovers. In addition, too lazy to exercise will increase the risk of cancer.


Do not eat more salted food

– increase the incidence of cancer in the lower abdomen

A report published jointly by the American Cancer Institute and the World Cancer Research Fund shows that eating meat products such as bacon increases the risk of cancer in the lower abdomen (such as colorectal cancer). Eating 50 grams of processed meat per day will increase the risk of developing abdominal cancer by 18%. Most of these processed meats are made by pickling.

Many older generations like pickled foods. In fact, these foods often contain large amounts of nitrate, which is converted into nitrite in the stomach and then combined with amines in food to form nitrite. Strong carcinogenicity can lead to an increased risk of cancer in the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be overkill. Sometimes it is okay to eat a few times.


“relatives” of cancer

——Stomach cancer

Salt seems to be the most “dangerous” seasoning. Eating too salty can cause chronic damage to the gastric mucosal barrier, which will increase the susceptibility to carcinogens and lead to gastric cancer.

The number of people dying from cancer in the United States is about 575,000 in one year, and about 365,000 in Japan. Based on the cancer death rate per 100,000 people, Japan is 1.6 times the United States. This is related to the Japanese diet.

People who eat heavy tastes can eat more fruits rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C can help block the synthesis of carcinogenic nitroso compounds.


Strong carcinogen

– Esophageal cancer and gastric cancer

In summer, everyone loves to eat skewers. A study found that roast beef, roast duck, roast lamb and other smoked foods are often eaten, which is easy to get esophageal cancer and stomach cancer.

Smoked foods produce a lot of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the production process. One of the strong carcinogens, benzopyrene, causes cell mutation and cancer. Smoked food must be eaten less.


No matter what fried fried food, eat less.

– bowel cancer

Fried foods are a kind of high-calorie foods. They must be eaten less. Even foods that are “good oil” are harmful to the human body. Especially the oil that is repeatedly fried, which has more carcinogens.

According to a recent study published by Nature, obesity, high-fat and high-calorie diets are risk factors for a variety of cancers.

A high-fat diet can drive a surge in the number of intestinal stem cells, allowing them to multiply indefinitely, and differentiate into other types of cells that are prone to cause intestinal tumors.


Drinking needs a limited amount

– colon cancer

A recent US report shows that the risk of stomach cancer is positively related to alcohol consumption: excessive drinking is closely related to liver cancer; people who regularly drink beer or other alcoholic beverages have a high incidence of colon cancer.

The China Cancer Foundation recommends that men drink no more than 20 to 30 grams of alcohol a day, and women do not exceed 10 to 15 grams.


Moldy peanuts are most easily overlooked

– Liver cancer

Of course, no one will be willing to eat moldy food. However, peanuts, corn, rice, sorghum and other foods are easily affected by moisture, which is sometimes contaminated by mold, sometimes difficult to find, especially in the summer cold dishes, some mold is also invisible to the naked eye.

The food in this case is likely to have a carcinogenic mycotoxin, which is one of the most carcinogenic substances known to date and has a close relationship with liver cancer.

It is recommended that you learn to store food reasonably to prevent moisture and mildew.

Smoke – from cooking

Cooking fumes are the most overlooked

– lung cancer

Smoking cancer is already a worldwide consensus. In addition to quitting smoking, cooking fumes must also attract enough attention.

Chinese dishes are fried, fried, fried and other high-temperature cooking methods, but we do not know that this method is easy to produce a large amount of oil smoke, which is mixed with many carcinogens such as alkanes and inhalable similar to PM2.5. Particulate matter not only affects the skin, but also causes lung cancer.

When cooking large oils, be sure to open the window, open the exhaust fan, and try to use a green and environmentally friendly diet without smoke.


6 points to prevent cancer, everyone can do it!

The American Association for Cancer Research has made it clear that no single food can protect people from cancer.

Although many studies have shown that some of the ingredients contained in plant foods have a role in fighting cancer, it is not just recommending any specific anti-cancer food, but suggesting that more than two-thirds of the food comes from the recipe. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans.

How to avoid cancer through diet?

Eat more tender vegetables

The texture of the crisp and delicious vegetables may be raw, but must be chewed to make the anti-cancer substances fully released. But be sure to wash before eating!

If it is dark green and orange vegetables, proper heating is beneficial to the absorption of carotenoids. Especially those vegetables with firm texture, it is difficult to fully release the nutrients and health ingredients in raw food.

Vegetable to animal protein ratio = 2:1

This is the principle put forward by the American Institute for Cancer Research, which consumes at least two-thirds of the vegetables and preferably no more than one-third of the animal protein.

Eat more vegetables and dark fruits and vegetables because vegetables and fruits contain many anti-cancer nutrients.

In addition to being nutritious, they can also help you maintain a healthy weight, and obesity is often a factor in many cancers.

Eat more chicken and fish

Pork, mutton, beef and other “red meat” are really delicious, but eating more may increase the risk of cancer.

Studies have shown that people who eat more red meat have a 16% increased risk of lung cancer; excessive intake of red meat can increase the risk of breast cancer in women by 22%.

Whole grains are eaten every day.

The coarse grains are best arranged for dinner. The frequency of normal people should be taken once every two days. People with high blood pressure and high blood lipids can take it twice a day.

The coarse grains are rich in insoluble cellulose, which is conducive to the normal operation of the digestive system. It works in conjunction with soluble fiber to lower the concentration of low-density cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood; increase the residence time of food in the stomach, delay the rate of glucose absorption after meals, and reduce high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular The risk of disease.

Medical research has also shown that cellulose helps to fight various diseases such as stomach cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, and ulcerative enteritis.

Meat and eggs are the best partners for coarse grains, which can play a complementary role in nutrition.

Chew more

The investigation proves that people who eat chew enough is not likely to have stomach cancer. More chewing can reduce the burden of food on the digestive tract and reduce the risk of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, it is best to chew 30 times in a single meal by chewing once in one second.

Careful use of daily necessities

  • Brominated flame retardants, plasticizers, and bisphenol A may cause cancer, and these substances are found in some household items.
  • When you purchase daily necessities, if you smell a big smell, you should use it decisively;
  • Do not use hot food in plastic bags to prevent toxic substances from being released at high temperatures;
  • When purchasing furniture, try to choose linen and wool fabric products.

If you want to be cancer-free, it is necessary to pay attention to your diet in your daily life. Tell this story to your friends to prevent cancer from eating!

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