The nutritional value and role of celery

The nutritional value of celery

Celery is rich in protein, carotene, carbohydrates, fat, B vitamins, vitamin C, sugars, amino acids and minerals and dietary fiber, of which phosphorus and calcium are high. In addition, the nutrients in the leaves of celery are higher than the celery stems.

The nutritional value and role of celery
The nutritional value and role of celery


Celery has a high iron content, which can supplement the loss of women’s menstrual blood. The food can avoid pale, dry and dull skin, and it can make the eyes look good and the hair is black.


On the one hand, celery contains a lot of calcium, which can make up the “foot bone strength.”


On the other hand, it also contains potassium, which can reduce the body’s water accumulation. Celery is rich in potassium, which is the first choice for the treatment of hypertension and its complications. It also has an adjuvant treatment for patients with vascular sclerosis and neurasthenia.


Celery also contains copper elements that are beneficial to vitiligo.

Calcium and phosphorus

Because celery has a high calcium and phosphorus content, it has a certain sedative and protective effect on blood vessels, and can also enhance bone growth.


Celery contains zinc, which is a kind of sexual food. It can promote sexual excitement. It is called “couple food” in the West and has been fasted by ancient Greek monks. A study in Thailand found that eating celery often reduces the amount of sperm in men and may help with contraception.


The leaves of celery contain volatile mannitol, which has a unique aroma and enhances appetite. It also has a health-care effect.

Heat of celery

The heat of celery (based on 100 grams of edible portion) is 12 calories (50 kJ).

The calories per 100 grams of celery account for about 0% of the total calorie intake required by the average adult recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society.

Celery is also the champion of face-lift food; a large celery contains about 4 to 5 calories, but chewing it consumes 5 to 8 calories, and it takes about 5 calories to enter the stomach.

The nutrition and efficacy of parsley

Celery is rich in nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and so on. According to the measurement, the dietary fiber of parsley is richer than celery, eat parsley, can supplement dietary fiber, moisten stomach, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, diuretic dehumidification.

In addition, parsley is rich in iron. Eating parsley can supplement iron, avoid dry skin, pale complexion, and black hair, maintain the normal nervous system and maintain vitality. Parsley is also rich in calcium. Eating parsley can supplement calcium, maintain healthy bones, reduce fatigue, strengthen the imagination of the brain, and maintain the balance of acid and alkali in the body.

Celery has many benefits, such as promoting digestion, beauty and beauty, healthy bone development, cancer and cancer prevention.

  • Promote digestion. According to the measurement, celery contains more dietary fiber than celery, eat celery, can supplement dietary fiber, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote defecation, promote digestion.
  • Beauty and beauty. Celery is rich in iron, vitamin, eat celery, supplement iron and vitamin, can complement blood, avoid dry skin, embellish red complexion, still can black hair.
  • Promote healthy bone development. Parsley is rich in calcium. Eating parsley and supplementing with calcium can maintain the health of bones and promote the healthy development of bones.
  • Anti-cancer and anti-cancer. The high fiber content of parsley can produce intestinal endoplasm or lignin after digestion, which is an antioxidant. When the concentration is high, parsley has the effect of inhibiting carcinogenic substances.

The celery is rich in nutrients, and each 100 grams of celery contains the following nutrients:

Nutrient content Nutrient content
energy 12.00 (Kcal) protein 0.60 (g)
fat 0.10 (g) Carbohydrate 4.80 (g)
calcium 170.00 (mg) Dietary fiber 2.60 (g)
iron 0.50 (mg) phosphorus 34.00 (mg)

Applicable people of celery

Celery can be eaten by ordinary people. Celery is rich in nutrients. Eating celery can promote gastrointestinal motility, promote bowel movements, diuretic dehumidification, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and raise hair and hair. However, the spleen and stomach are cold, the intestines are not solid, the blood pressure is low, and men and women should eat less celery during marriage and childbirth.

  • Suitable for obese patients. The heat of celery is low, only 12 calories per 100 grams of celery, and the dietary fiber is rich. It has a feeling of fullness in eating, easy to curb appetite, can also promote gastrointestinal motility, promote defecation and detoxification, and is suitable for obese patients.
  • Suitable for high blood pressure, high cholesterol patients. Celery contains acidic antihypertensive components, as well as rich vitamins. Eating celery can lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It is suitable for patients with high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  • Suitable for patients with anemia. Celery is rich in iron. Eating celery can supplement iron, nourish blood and nourish blood.

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