Effect and function of wax gourd

Introduction of wax gourd

Wax gourd is a year-long herb with tendrils on its stems, climbing vines, large leaves and yellow flowers. The fruit is spherical or cylindrical, with dark green epidermis, hairy surface and a layer of powdery white matter. Wax gourd meat is white, fleshy, melon meat wrapped in the middle of the golden melon flesh, wax gourd skin and seeds can be used as medicine. Melon shaped like a pillow, also known as pillow melon, produced in the summer. Because of wax gourd ripe, the skin will appear on a layer of white powder substances, such as winter frost, so wax gourd also known as white melon.

Wax gourd contains more protein, sugar and a small amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals and vitamins and other nutrients. Wax gourd is the only melon which does not contain fat, and is rich in propanedioic acid, which can inhibit sugar into fat components, and because of its strong diuretic effect, it can increase weight loss effect, so wax gourd is also known as “weight loss melon”.

Wax gourd should be peeled, flushed and rinsed before consumption. Wax gourd meat can be boiled soup, fried vegetables, can also add sugar pickled into preserved fruit, winter melon seeds can also be processed after consumption. Fresh wax gourd meat with plenty of water, refreshing taste.

Wax gourd-how to be health
Wax gourd-how to be health

Effect and function of wax gourd

Wax gourd has high nutritional value, including adenine, β -sitosterol, cucurbitacin β, vitamin B1, vitamin C, vitamin E and a variety of amino acids.

1. Reducing Fat and losing weight.

Propanedioic acid in wax gourd can effectively control the conversion of sugar into fat, prevent the accumulation of fat in the body, but also the excess fat consumption of obesity, prevention and treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, weight loss has a good effect. The dietary fiber content of wax gourd is very high, which can effectively improve the blood sugar level of human body. In addition, dietary fiber can also lower body cholesterol, reduce blood lipids, prevent atherosclerosis.

Winter melon flesh is rich in cucurbitine, it can help the human body metabolism, inhibit sugar into fat.

2. Beauty.

The seeds of wax gourd contain oleic acid, which has the function of inhibiting melanin deposition in vivo and has good moisturizing and beautifying effect. In addition, the wax gourd seed contains protein and citrulline can moisturize the skin, but also inhibit the formation of melanin.

3. Detumescence of diuresis.

Wax gourd is rich in a variety of amino acids, melon seeds and pericarp content is higher than the pulp. These substances can help the human body to release the toxic free ammonia, and has the effect of diuretic swelling. The coarse fiber in wax gourd, can stimulate bowel peristalsis, make the carcinogen that accumulates in intestines excrete as soon as possible.

4. Clearing away heat and relieving heat.

Winter gourd nature cold taste sweet, clear heat Sheng Jin, isolated summer heat remove annoyance, take food in summer especially suitable, often used for edema and body vacuity edema and so on.

5. The whole body of wax gourd is full of treasures.

Wax gourd body can be used as medicine: Dongguapili water swelling clearing heat and summer heat can also be used for lactation; winter melon seeds for lung phlegm diuretic discharge purulent used in lung heat cough with white turbidity and so on; and the effect of winter melon seeds is to clear lung phlegm and dispel dampness and discharge pus and so on. Wax gourd meat is beneficial to water, heat, phlegm, detoxification effect, can treat edema, cough and asthma, summer heat, thirst, diarrhea, hemorrhoid leakage, and so on, but also detoxification of alcohol, fish poison and so on.

The nutrients contained in every 100 grams of wax gourd are as follows:

Nutrient name content Nutrient name content Nutrient name content
Heat 11.00 (Kcal) Vitamin A 13.00 (mg) Zinc 0.07 (mg)
carotene 80.00 (mg) Vitamin B1 0.01 (mg) magnesium 8.00 (mg)
Carbohydrates 2.60 (g) Vitamin B2 0.01 (mg) Potassium 78.00 (mg)
Dietary fiber 0.70 (g) Vitamin B6 0.02 (mg) copper 0.07 (mg)
fat 0.20 (g) Vitamin C 18.00 (mg) sodium 1.80 (mg)
protein 0.40 (g) Vitamin E 0.08 (mg) manganese 0.03 (mg)
Folic acid 9.40 (mg) calcium 19.00 (mg) phosphorus 12.00 (mg)
niacin 0.30 (mg) iron 0.20 (mg) selenium 0.22 (mg)

The suitable population of wax gourd

Wax gourd skin and seeds are generally not directly edible, wax gourd meat can be eaten by the general population. People suffering from kidney disease, edema, cirrhosis, ascites, cancer, beriberi, hypertension, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity, and vitamin C deficiency can eat more, and can effectively alleviate the symptoms of the disease. 

Female menstrual period to avoid eating Dongguan, so as not to affect menstrual volume and increase the degree of dysmenorrhea. 

The person with bad spleen and stomach should not eat wax gourd, because the cold of winter gourd damages yang, can aggravate the condition of gastric cold person, cause patient abdominal distension and diarrhoea, still very easy to cause inappetence. 

People with kidney disorders such as nephritis and kidney failure should not eat wax gourd, because the wax gourd will increase the body’s urea nitrogen content, reduce glomerular filtration rate, leading to renal failure phenomenon. 

People who have just had surgery or are recovering from serious illness should not eat wax gourd, because wax gourd has the function of promoting fluid circulation and removing heat and diuresis, which easily aggravates the burden on the kidneys and does some harm to the infirm body. 

Pregnant women, parturients and lactating mothers can all eat wax gourd, but it is necessary to pay attention not to eat too much winter gourd cold; young baby intestines are not yet mature, it is best to eat wax gourd cautiously, In order to avoid cold wax gourd irritation of the baby intestines and stomach resulting in pain in the baby’s stomach and diarrhea.


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