Is “Ambien” in sleeping pills harmful to the human body?

Sleeping pill "Ambien" has recently appeared on the news section because of celebrity. (Getty Images)
Sleeping pill “Ambien” has recently appeared on the news section because of celebrity. (Getty Images)

The sedative sleeping pill “Ambien” (ambien) has been on the news recently for celebrity reasons. Ambien is the top 20 prescription drug sold in the United States. Americans take at least 10 million pills a year, one of the most widely used sedatives and sleeping pills. But is the drug safe or not?

Roseanne Barr, the star of racial discrimination, said she took the sleeping pill Ambien before posting controversial text online. The chef Anthony Bourdain hanged himself recently, and his ex-girlfriend, Paula Froelich, said Mr. Bourdain no longer heard the sound of “you’re nothing, just a fake,” only when Ambien’s effects hit. “you’re nothing but a fake,” said Mr. Bourdain, whose girlfriend, Paula Froelich, said he no longer heard the sound of “you’re nothing, but a fake,” when he hanged himself.

Rathambar said: “I didn’t mean to make excuses, but I did some strange things when I ate Ambien.” ”

Sanofi, the manufacturer, countered: “all therapeutic drugs have side effects, but racism is not a known side effect of Sanofi drugs. “but while Ambien is known for its quick, fast sleeping effects, there have been a number of reported side effects.

According to a 2013 report by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, more than 700 traffic accidents were linked to Ambien, which caused accidents by driving without fully waking after taking the drugs.

Ambien is the top 20 prescription drug sold in the United States, taking at least 10 million tablets a year. (Getty Images)
Ambien is the top 20 prescription drug sold in the United States, taking at least 10 million tablets a year. (Getty Images)

The report also mentions that some patients may not remember their behavior, including overeating, sleepwalking, talking on the phone, and even having sex with others after taking the medicine.

Many patients pointed out that after taking the medicine, they felt very hungry and began to search for food in the room or in the refrigerator, but when they woke up, they had no impression at all. Others order online, but the next day they don’t remember anything at all; some wander around, even driving out; others, under the influence of drugs, make phone calls to quarrel with people or confess to their secret admirer.

Doctors say Ambien quickly suppresses the hypothalamus, which governs sleep, but other parts of the brain are still awake, able to talk and eat, so some patients make seemingly normal but unconscious actions, often without memory.

In other words, Ambien may temporarily lose control of itself. It may not change Rathambar’s attitude toward race, but it may allow users to say what they normally think only in their hearts.

The way to improve the safety of Ambien is to go to bed immediately after taking the medicine and wait for the onset of sleepiness. However, many of the people who rely on Ambien are often stressed and responsible people who are also heavy users of 3C products; it takes some time for them to feel sleepy after eating Ambien, however, it will take a while for them to feel sleepy after eating Ambien, and it will take a while for them to feel sleepy after eating Ambien. So these people often want to use the time before the onset of the drug effect, do more things, this time is prone to their control and unexpected situation. 

If you use a computer or cell phone at this time, you are more likely to send a remorseful letter afterwards or say something you shouldn’t have said. 

Doctors say Ambien is a relatively safe sedative and sleeping pill, but don’t do anything after taking it, and don’t think you’re awake, because your judgment isn’t accurate under the influence of sleeping pills.

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