Why don’t you listen to new songs after 30?

Why don't you listen to new songs after 30?
Why don’t you listen to new songs after 30?

Although everyone hopes to stay young forever, one day you will find that you do not understand what young people say. This process may start earlier than you think. Deezer, a music website, said that people no longer listen to new songs after the age of 30.

The site investigated the musical preferences of 1,000 Britons and found that 60% of people like to listen to the same song repeatedly, while over 25% said they would not search for new songs other than their favorite music type.

The peak age for searching for new songs is 24 years old. Seventy-five percent of respondents at this age will listen to more than 10 new songs per week, while 64% report that they will search for five new singers each month.

Since then, the ability of people to follow the new trend of music has begun to decline. As for the reasons for this, 19% of them are because they have too many songs and they have made choices and difficulties. 16% are because their work is too busy and 11% because they need to take care of children. About 47% of respondents said they hope they can have more time to listen to new songs, so for this group of people, they are still at least interested.

In 2015, the Skynet & Ebert blog analyzed the music data of the U.S. Voice and Echo.

The analysis found that young people’s music tastes are most affected by popular music. By the early 30s, their musical tastes will tend to be “mature.” By the age of 33, people will no longer listen to new songs. This is not because people don’t have time. On the contrary, people constantly listen to the same song. This is because old songs can awaken people’s memories of campus or university time.

This year, economist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz discovered that if a song was originally released, you were just in the early teens. After 10 years, this song will be the most popular of your peers.

Favorite songs will make our brains respond with joy, releasing “happiness” substances such as dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. The more we like a song, the more “happy” the brain produces.

Although everyone will have this reaction, in the teenage years, our brain will experience many changes, and hormones will make us extremely sensitive. Therefore, if we like a song at this time, it is very likely that it will accompany us for a lifetime. This does not mean that you will not be able to enjoy other songs later, but the reactions caused by those songs are not as strong as the old songs.

In addition, for familiar songs, we will know when climax will come. When the song reaches a climax or when the chord changes dramatically, our brain releases dopamine. But as we listen to more and more songs, the joy of the song’s climax will be weaker. But if you hear a song that you haven’t heard for several years, and this song happens to be the first time you heard it when you were 12-22, the brain may experience the joy that the song once again brought to you.

In short, listening to old songs is not a sin. If your brain is happy, it is worth it.

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