Anthony Poden: From Unknown to Unknown

“If I have advocated something, then travel. As far as possible, as much as possible. Cross the ocean, or just across the river. Try standing in someone else’s position, or at least taste the food they make.”

Anthony Borden was found suicidal on June 8 at a hotel in Strasbourg, France, at the age of 61. The words “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown” being photographed are more prominent in its prominent position on the website. They are rumors and farewells. Friends who had worked together for many years, who had traveled with Burton to explore Sichuan’s star chef Eric Lippert, discovered him in the hotel room. He used the hotel yukata to hang his belt and ended his life. In a conversation with Borden’s mother, Gladys, Lee Potter told her that her son’s emotions have been in the dark recently.

Anthony Poden's last instagram push before lunch: lunch light
Anthony Poden’s last instagram push before lunch: lunch light

Beginning in April 2013, Anthony Poden started the “Anthony Poden: The Unknown” series of travel gourmet documentaries, exploring food and culture around the world until the death, the program is still in the recording process. The whole series also reached an unimaginable length: the eleventh season. In Burton, who is outside the country for 250 days a year, he would fly back to New York to visit his 11-year-old daughter. Borton, who had never denied her love of cigarettes and even drugs because of her daughter’s birth, quit smoking in the summer of 2007. In the five years since it was aired, “Anthony Boden: An Unknown Tour” has won 5 Emmy Awards, a Pulitzer Prize for news in the broadcast and television media community – Peabody Award. Prior to this, books and television programs such as “No Limits for Burton,” “Family Secrets,” “Celebrity Chef Eats Quartet,” and “Fast Food to Eat,” have been tried, unprovoked, and unexpected. The story line has won the hearts of a large number of readers and spectators around the world.

Boden is a “bad boy,” but the public and critics cannot hide their preference for him. GQ once wrote that it inherited the spirit of the character of the rebel journalist Hunter Thompson, and coincidentally, this is also a suicide death. The Smithsonian also praised it as “the most original rock star” of the food festival.

Bourdon loves “peasant food”, especially those “21st-century U.S. citizens” who disdain trying animal chores. He despised American fast food restaurants and greatly appreciated the street food in the Third World.

Between the American fast food restaurant and the street food, Borden must pick the latter
Between the American fast food restaurant and the street food, Borden must pick the latter

Boden’s various culinary reviews are often quoted by people for their straightforwardness. For example, he once said that McLean is the most disgusting food he has ever eaten, and that he can share the “most” list with him, as well as the “Wart Pig Rectum” that Namibia has not washed and the fermented shark meat in Iceland.

For vegetarians and vegetarians, Bourdon also outspoken their opinions. He believes that insisting on vegetarianism is a very rude thing for some of the countries he visits. He believes that in addition to vegetarianism in India for religious reasons, other vegetarians are “from the luxury of the first world.” He also admitted that Americans eat too much meat. He expressed his respect for those vegetarians who changed their eating habits while respecting their habits while traveling.

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