Staying up late is a shortcut to obesity! “Hunger” increases appetite

Both men and women, at a certain age, will care about whether their body has excess fat. Although many people think that “the middle age is a blessing” is taken for granted, obesity is the cause of many lifestyle-related diseases, besides affecting the appearance. Therefore, obesity needs everyone’s attention.

To lose weight, most people think that the best way is to eat less. However, according to recent studies, only eating less and more hyperactivity can not eliminate one fat, because lack of sleep is also one of the major factors leading to obesity.


Stay up late to reduce body function more easily obesity

Perhaps many people think that as long as they don’t sleep, the longer they spend their time, the more calories they consume and the more they can lose weight. In fact, this is a big misconception that staying up late is the shortest distance to obesity. Because staying up late, the quality of sleep is not good, physical function will therefore be reduced, the spirit is paralyzed, the body is lazy, feeling heavy.

Moreover, many people think that exercise is troublesome and they are willing to reduce their activity. However, this can cause the body’s calories to be completely consumed, and then accumulate on the body and become fat; as soon as the fat is increased, the body weight becomes heavier. We will not want to move even if we weigh one weight, but let us fall into the whirlpool of obesity.

Increased age, reduced secretion of growth hormone, easier accumulation of fat

In addition, lack of sleep or day and night will stop growth hormone secretion, making the immune system down, and then let the body’s resistance to disease decline. In fact, growth hormone also has the effect of breaking down fat, so long as it normally secretes growth hormone during sleep, it can leave the body in a state where it is easy to burn fat.

And how to eat young people who are not fat is because their growth hormones are exuberant, and many people will feel that as they get older, even if they do not eat much, they cannot shake off their fat. One of the reasons is that the secretion of growth hormone is reduced. Obviously, we have reached the age at which growth hormone reduces secretion and fats are likely to accumulate. If we continue to stay up late at night and suppress the secretion of growth hormone, it will of course only allow us to go straight to obesity when fat is not degraded and metabolized.

Increased secretion of hunger makes people want to eat fatty foods

What’s even more frightening is that once the sleep is not enough, another stress hormone will increase the secretion of ghrelin, which will increase the sense of fasting, promote appetite and make people want to eat fatty foods. According to the research report, if the sleep time is limited to four hours, the secretion of ghrelin will increase to 28% after just two days. Furthermore, leptin (also known as obese hormone), which suppresses appetite and promotes metabolic function, will also decrease by 18% as the secretion of ghrelin increases and the sense of fasting increases.

Many people would like to eat fatty foods such as ramen when they stay up late or sleep late. It is because ghrelin increases and leptin decreases. In other words, staying up late or not having enough sleep will make us more lazy and reduce the secretion of growth hormone and leptin and increase the secretion of hunger. People will embark on the shortest route to obesity.

Therefore, what most people think of “wake up and consume calories” is actually a misconception. In fact, we will not go to bed before 12 p.m. and our body will instead accumulate fat. With the increase of fat, it is easy to suffer from various major diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and arteriosclerosis.

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