The nutritional value, efficacy and function of chinese yam

Chinese yam (Dioscorea polystachya), also called cinnamon-vine, is a species of flowering plant in the yam family. This perennial climbing vine native to China now grows throughout East Asia (Japan, Korea, Kuril Islands, Vietnam). It is believed to have been introduced to Japan in the 17th century or earlier. Introduced to the United States as early as the 19th century for culinary and cultural uses, it is now considered an invasive plant species. The plant was introduced to Europe in the 19th century during the European Potato Failure, where cultivation continues to this day for the Asian food market. The edible tubers, often called nagaimo or Chinese-potato, are cultivated largely in Asia and sometimes used in alternative medicine. This species of yam is unique as the tubers can be eaten raw.(This paragraph is concisely from Wikipedia)

“yam” on this page refers to “chinsese yam”

chinese yam - kkkhealth
chinese yam – kkkhealth

The nutritional value and benefits of chinese yam

As a highly nutritious food, yam contains a large amount of starch and protein, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, glucose, crude protein amino acids, choline, allantoin, and the like. One of the important nutrients, diosgenin, is a pioneer in the synthesis of female hormones. It has the effects of nourishing yin and yang, and enhances metabolism; while the fresh tubers contain polysaccharide protein components such as mucilage and digestive enzymes that prevent cardiovascular fat deposition. Helps digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to being rich in protein and carbohydrates, yam has calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and ascorbic acid. In addition, there are protein, amino acid, polyphenol oxidase and other nutrients that have the effect of inducing interferon and enhancing human immune function.

What is more worth mentioning is that Yam is a natural slimming food for ladies. It contains enough fiber to produce a feeling of fullness after eating, thus controlling the desire to eat. Second, yam itself is a highly nutritious, low-calorie food that can be safely consumed without fear of gaining weight.

In addition, yam tubers contain diosgenin, dopamine, saponin hydrochloride and other free amino acids, have a sedative effect, can be anti-hepatic coma.

Chinese yam’s nutrient content

The yam’s nutrient composition is very high. Every 100 grams of yam contains many nutrients:

Nutrient name content Nutrient name content Nutrient name content
Heat 55 (Kcal) Potassium 111 (mg) phosphorus 24 (mg)
niacin 0.3 (mg) Thiamine 0.03 (mg) magnesium 14 (mg)
Carbohydrates 13.4 (g) calcium 21 (mg) Vitamin C 13 (mg)
sodium 5.5 (mg) protein 0.9 (g) Riboflavin 0.03 (mg)
iron 0.6 (mg) selenium 0.16 (mg) Cellulose 0.8 (g)
Zinc 0.23 (mg) Vitamin E 0.86 (mg) fat 0.1 (g)
manganese 0.11 (mg) copper 0.07 (mg)

chinese yam - kkkhealth
chinese yam – kkkhealth

6 effects of yam

Chinese medicine believes that yam has a variety of effects such as strengthening spleen, invigorating the lungs, fixing kidney, and strengthening essence. And on the lung deficiency cough, spleen deficiency diarrhea, kidney deficiency spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge and frequent urination embolism, have some healing effect.

1, spleen and stomach, help digestion

Yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, is conducive to digestion and absorption functions of the spleen and stomach, is to flatten the spleen and stomach of medicine and food products. Regardless of spleen yang deficiency or stomach yin deficiency, can be eaten. Clinically, it is commonly used to treat spleen and stomach, food and body fatigue, and diarrhea.

2, nourishing kidney essence

Yam contains a variety of nutrients, a strong body, the role of nourishing kidney and essence. Most of the kidney deficiency spermatorrhea, women with leucorrhea, frequent urination embolism, can serve.

3, Yifei cough

Yam contains saponins, mucus, has a lubrication, moisturizing effect, it can benefit the lung, Yangfei Yin, treatment of lung deficiency cough cough disease.

4, lower blood sugar

Yam contains mucus protein, which has the function of lowering blood sugar and can be used to treat diabetes. It is a good food for diabetics.

5, longevity

Yam contains a large amount of mucus protein, vitamins and trace elements, can effectively prevent the deposition of blood lipids in the blood vessel wall, prevent heart-blood diseases, and achieve the benefits of susceptibility and longevity.

6, anti-hepatic coma

Recent studies have found that yam has a sedative effect and can be used to fight hepatic coma.

chinese yam - kkkhealth
chinese yam – kkkhealth

Applicable population of yam

suitable for majority of the people.

Particularly suitable for diabetics, bloating, weak after the disease, chronic nephritis patients, long-term diarrhea were consumed. Special populations such as pregnant women, mothers, and babies can eat yams.

Pregnant women can eat yams.

Eating yam during pregnancy has a certain role in slimming, because the yam is full of strong but nutritious. Eating yam can also help gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, promote bowel movements, and prevent and relieve constipation.

Maternal can eat yams.

Postpartum eating yam has a certain slimming effect, because yams are full of strong but nutritious. Eating yam can also help gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, promote bowel movements, and prevent and relieve constipation.

Infants and young children can eat yams.

The baby can eat yam, steamed and pressed into the mud, add a little sugar to adjust it on the line, you can also yam and bone soup together, and then the soup and porridge boiled together for the baby to eat, eat less. The digestive function of the baby is not very sound. If you eat too much, you will get indigestion. Add a small amount.

In addition, if the surface of the yam has abnormal spots can not be bought because it may have infected the disease. Also note that the yam cross section should have mucus, and the skin is not damaged.

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