What’s wrong with wanting to eat when you’re not hungry?

I don’t know if there’s a group of people around you who: 

If they see food on the table, they will eat it at once. 

Just after dinner, you can open the refrigerator, continue to eat fruit, drinks, snacks; 

See other people late at night to send food pictures, had already been lying in bed ready to sleep, can order takeout immediately; 

If they see other people eating, then their own mouth definitely can not idle; 

Once they ate a melon seed, they ate up one bag at a time; 


In fact, they are not hungry, but always want to eat something. So what the hell is wrong with this?


Before we say this, let’s take a look at “hunger”.

There are two kinds of starvation: one is called steady-state starvation, and the other is called hedonic starvation. “Steady-state starvation” is very well understood, is the actual sense of “hungry.” When there is nothing in the stomach will shrink, if you do not eat at this time, it will cause a slight dizziness, trembling and blood sugar reduction and other symptoms.

This hunger represents the human desire for energy and food. And there is another kind of hunger in the body, namely “hunger for Pleasure”, the “pseudo hunger” that comes with the desire for food and taste stimulation when there is no need to eat. This pseudo hunger represents the human body’s desire for pleasure and fulfillment. “This kind of recreational behavior can happen to everyone,” says Tobias Hoch, a German expert Tobbias Houch. and long-term ‘ hunger for pleasure ‘ is an important factor in the overweight and obesity epidemic, threatening health.

So why is there a “hedonic hunger”?

The most widely accepted theory at the moment is the propensity of humans to eat delicious food.

What is the problem when you are not hungry but always want to eat something? As the standard of living is good, people can get food at any time and even everywhere, so the demand for food is not just to feed and clothe, but to enjoy the basic motivation of more people. The more delicious food you eat, the more your brain will look forward to. It can be said that this food is not to fill the belly, but to the spirit of pleasure.

If it is easier to put it more plainly, it is: gluttony!


And “greedy” in physiology, is the body really need dopamine!

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that affects people’s moods and feelings, and the secretion of dopamine is related to eating, sleeping, and sex. If the dopamine concentration in the body is too low, it can cause depression, obesity and fatigue syndrome, and may even lead to attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and so on.

And if dopamine levels increase, it can make people feel happy.

Due to chronic lack of sleep, the pressure of Alexander, lack of exercise and other reasons, the body will spontaneously find ways to improve the secretion of dopamine, so eating is the most convenient and quick way.

In addition to “nothing is always want to eat something”, there will be another situation in life, called “Eat Can not stop.”

For example, take apart a bag of melon seeds, they will eat up at once; once you have eaten a slice of potato chips, you will be unable to control the second and third films in your mouth.

I’m not really hungry, but I can’t stop eating…

In fact, this is also a kind of “hedonic hunger.” The study found that when people are snacking, the key parts of the brain’s reward system are strongly activated and send out a reward signal. In addition, the central satiety circuit, which was able to regulate the appetite for food based on dietary intake, became insensitive, resulting in more calories being consumed than actual energy needs.

The reason why eating can not stop, is to activate the hedonic reward circuit and passivation of satiety self-balanced circuit of the common results. When snacking is repeated, the short time span between the participants ‘ behavior (e.g. Kegua zi) and the result (eating the melon seeds) is that the effort to get feedback is timely, making it easier for participants to establish a causal link between behavior-effort-feedback, and it is easy to be satisfied and motivate you to repeat the process constantly.

blackberries blueberries fresh fruits

So, how to properly control the “hedonic hunger”?

1. Divert Attention:

People usually feel hungry only when they are hungry and have no other focus, according to a professor of psychology.

If you feel like you’re thinking about eating all day, get yourself a hobby and distract yourself!

2. Don’t think about how delicious the food is:

According to scientific research, the idea of food plays an important role in the generation of appetite.

Like summer, you always want to imagine the yogurt ice ice is very comfortable, sour sweet taste, and then the more greedy.

3. Enjoy a healthy diet:

Think healthy diet is a few light tasteless practitioner diet, this is definitely a misunderstanding! In fact, people who eat tend to have lower rates of obesity.

Eat and dress the same, talk about the level, talk collocation, some food is suitable for eating every day, eat a lot, some food suitable for occasional tasting.

4. Learn to relieve pressure on yourself:

When people are under pressure, there will also be higher levels of cortisol secretion, this state will become generally want to eat things, unable to control appetite. So for everyone, it’s important to keep a healthy schedule and stress condition.

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