Is blood type related to human health? What blood type is the healthiest?

Many people do not believe in the relationship between blood type and our physical health, but this is just like truth. No matter if you believe in or not, it is there! At the same time, good blood type does not necessarily mean good health, blood type is just a foundation, and health has a greater relationship with the acquired habits and diet.


O-type blood

O-type blood is a very old type of blood, with the constitution of ancient hunters, so the body of O-type blood is often closer to the original person, can adapt to and digest a large number of animal protein, the absorption effect of plant foods . People with type O blood have fast metabolism, high efficiency, powerful autoimmune function and resistance, and can effectively protect the body from various diseases and viruses.

Type A blood

Type A blood, blood type A antigen, digestive system function is not strong, the spleen and stomach is acquired, so the type A blood human immune function and resistance are relatively weak. Medical studies have found that people with type A blood have a much higher probability of developing cancer than other blood types and are vulnerable to a variety of viruses and diseases.

B-type blood

B-type blood can be said that B-type blood is the healthiest and most immune system among 4 common blood types. Type B erythrocytes have B antigen on the surface, which can be combined well with anti-A antigen in serum to form a very powerful autoimmune system. Almost all foods can be absorbed and used by type B blood body, and type B blood metabolic speed block, Can quickly excrete body toxins.

Type AB blood

Type AB blood, blood contains both type A blood antigen and type B blood antigen, which should have very good immunity, but in terms of immunity, type AB blood inherits the characteristics of type A blood, and the immune function and resistance are not strong. It is highly vulnerable to viruses and diseases, and the prevalence of cancer and cardiovascular disease is higher than that of type A blood.

In summary, the immunity and resistance of four common blood types are ranked as follows:

Type B blood > Type O blood > Type A blood > Type AB blood

If you are type B blood, then you should maintain your congenital advantage, pay attention to your diet, strengthen your physical exercise, and maintain your advantage. If you are AB type blood don’t worry, this is only a part of the congenital, does not represent all, the body immunity and the resistance more needs our post-natal strengthening.

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