10 ways to sleep that are harmful to your health

Sleep is supposed to be a time to relieve fatigue and rest, but also to restore elasticity to the skin. But now there are often friends who feel “more and more tired from sleep”. KKKhealth thinks it may be caused by the following reasons.


1. “Open mouth” breathing sleep:

Breathing through the nose is the best way to sleep. Breathing with an open mouth not only sucks in dust, but also irritates the trachea, lungs, and ribs with cold air.

2. Sleep with a bra:

Bras are protective of the breasts, but wearing them to sleep can lead to disease or even breast tumors. Women who wear bras for more than 17 hours a day are more than 20 times more likely to develop breast tumors than those who wear bras for a short period of time or do not wear bras, according to a study by experts. This is the result of prolonged pressure on the breast, obstruction of lymphatic reflux, and retention of harmful substances in the breast.

3. “sit” and sleep:

A lot of women are nervous at work, feel very tired after returning home, eat full meal to sit on sofa, begin to doze off. And sitting sleeping can slow heart rate, make blood vessel dilate, aggravate brain anoxia, cause the appearance of giddy, tinnitus phenomenon.

4. Before going to bed, “have a big meal”:

Eat too much before bed, stomach and intestines to speed up digestion, full of food stomach will continue to stimulate the brain. If there is excitement in the brain, people will not be able to sleep safely, just as Chinese medicine has said, “if the stomach is not at peace, then you will lie restless.”

5. “shoulder-to-shoulder” sleep:

Some people sleep in the habit of shoulder exposed to the quilt, in the cold weather, the cold easily invade the human shoulder joint, resulting in local blood affected by cold air, not easy to circulate, resulting in rheumatism, arthritis, joint swelling pain and so on. By wind and cold attack is also easy to cause a cold, runny nose, causing poor breathing, dizziness and headache.

6. “Storage” sleep:

The human body can not store sleep, in order to stay up late and sleep for a few hours, the human body is not much help. In fact, the human body only needs a certain quality of sleep, sleep not only can not sleep, health is not beneficial.

7. Drinking tea before bed:

Tea contains caffeine and other substances, these substances can stimulate the central nervous system, exciting. Tea before bed, especially strong tea, will make it more difficult to fall asleep.

8. High pillows:

From a physiological point of view, the pillow to 812 cm is appropriate. Pillow is too low, easy to cause ”
stiff neck”, or because the blood that flows into the brain is too much, cause the next day the brain rises, eyelid puffiness; pillow is too high, can affect respiratory tract unblocked, easy to snore, and long-term high pillow, easy to cause neck discomfort or hump.

9. Sleep with ornaments:

It is dangerous for some women to sleep without the habit of taking off their ornaments.

  • Some ornaments are metallic, wear and tear on the skin for a long time, unknowingly will cause chronic absorption and accumulation poisoning (such as aluminum poisoning, etc.);
  • Some ornaments with noctilucent effect produce radium radiation, although the amount is weak, but the accumulation for a long time can lead to adverse consequences; thirdly, sleeping with ornaments can hinder the circulation of the body and is detrimental to metabolism. This is also the local skin with ornaments aging reasons.

10. Sleep “against the wind”:

When the human body sleeps to the environment change adaptation ability reduces, sleeps against the wind, easy because of the cold air sickness. Therefore, the place to sleep should avoid air conditioning, windows.

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