The right way to live your life

A good lifestyle can affect your life. Here are a few things for everyone to learn.


About diet.

1. Between milk and soya bean milk, choose the latter;

2. When you feel you can eat half a bowl of rice again, leave the table;

3, even if the body does not feel hungry and thirsty, it is best to drink 4 glasses of water every day;

4. Drink more yoghurt;

5. Stay away from alcohol and tobacco;

6. Add grains and vegetables to the diet;

7. Drinking green tea is better than black tea;

8. Pay more attention to breakfast than dinner;

9. Control the amount of salt;

10. After getting up, brush your teeth first, and then drink water.

11, do not drink long-boiled hot pot soup;

12. Early in the morning and one night, two apples can effectively improve constipation;

13. Eating fruit before meals is better than eating after meals.

14. Eat fish at least once a week;

15. Stay away from carbonated drinks such as cola;

16. You can have a glass of red wine before you go to bed.

On motion.

1. Enjoy the sunshine from 8: 00 to 9: 00 in the morning.

2. Jog and walk;

3. Hot water bubble feet can effectively prevent varicose veins;

4. When the spirit is extremely tired, it is not suitable to decompress with exercise, rest is more important;

5. Less outdoor sports in winter;

6, 10 floors below, do not take the elevator;

7. Often watch TV standing up;

8. Exercise for half an hour a day instead of three hours at the weekend;

9. Take regular walks;

10. Sleeping in semi-hard bed is more beneficial to cervical vertebrae health.

11. Rest for half an hour before taking a bath after exercise.

About physiology.

1. Do not cross your legs so as not to press your nerves.

2. Last year’s clothes should be exposed to the sun before they can be worn;

3. Don’t eat leftovers all the time.

4. Don’t wash your hair too often once every 2-3 days.

5. Make sure you lie down for no more than 40 minutes during your lunch break.

About lovers.

1. Don’t neglect the feelings of your loved ones because you care too much about your children.

2, with the lover’s feelings, also needs to manage attentively;

3. In case of contradiction, take a step back from each other;

4, occasionally create a little surprise;

5. Don’t forget your lover’s birthday.

6. The right way to live your life.

About happiness.

1. Cherish what you have now;

2, people alive is a kind of mood, grasp today, set tomorrow, store forever;

3. As long as you feel it with your heart, happiness will always exist.

4. Contentment is happiness;

5. It is the happiest thing in the world to have family members with us, friends to care about, and healthy bodies to take care of.

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