Does diet affect mental health?

A growing number of studies have found that nutrient-rich diets are good not only for the body, but also for the brain, leading to the birth of “nutritional psychiatry.”

Every year, nearly a quarter of Americans suffer from some form of mental illness. By 2020, depression will be the second largest disease after heart disease, and not just in adults, with half of chronic mental illness starting at the age of 14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Today, more than 17 million children in the United States suffer from mental illness.


The concept of progressive development.

Studies have explored the relationship between dietary quality and common mental disorders, including depression and anxiety in adults and children.

The President of the Psychiatric Association of the International Nutrition Society said: a recent large sample of data evidence suggests that diet is as important for mental and physical health as it is for physical health. A healthy diet has a protective effect on physical and mental health, while an unhealthy diet is a risk factor for depression and anxiety. Food allergies may also play an important role in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

But almost all studies involving eating habits and mental health have focused more on depression and anxiety. Trials are under way and there is no direct evidence that diet improves depression or other mental illness.

Experts caution that while diet can be part of a treatment plan, it should not be a substitute for drugs and other treatments.

To the best of our knowledge, the role of diet in mental health may include the function of the immune system, the function of genes, and the way in which the body resists stress.

The influence of three kinds of Dietetic ways on Mental Health.

1. Good nutrition is essential for brain development.

“it is no exaggeration to say that what we eat determines what we become,” said a preventive medicine expert. When we eat foods that are truly nutritious, they can be the bedrock of our body’s formation, our enzymes, our brain tissues, and the messengers and signalling neurotransmitters in our brains and different parts of our bodies. ”

2. Good nutrition puts the brain in a growth mode.

Certain nutritional and dietary patterns are associated with changes in brain protein, helping to improve connectivity between brain cells. Diets rich in nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc can increase the amount of these proteins.

3. Good nutrition fills the intestines with probiotics.

It’s also good for the brain. The gut is home to hundreds of millions of beneficial bacteria that fight off harmful bacteria and limit the immune system, which means they can help suppress inflammation in the body.

Foods that contain probiotics can help maintain a healthy intestinal environment, or “ecological zones” of the gut.

Is your diet good for your brain?

A nutritious brain diet requires limiting processed foods high in sugar and fat and choosing mainly plant-based foods such as fresh fruit vegetables and whole grains. For the sake of good health, butter can also be replaced with olive oil. The key is to choose as nutrient-rich and low-calorie foods as possible.

Nutrients that can effectively treat and prevent mental illness include:

  1. People with low levels of vitamin B 12 had higher rates of brain inflammation depression and dementia. Lack of folic acid has also been linked to depression.
  2. Low iron levels in iron blood (iron deficiency anemia) are associated with depression.
  3. These healthful fatty acids, called Omega-3, can improve thinking and memory, and may also help improve mood.
  4. Zinc helps the body to withstand stress. Low levels of zinc can lead to depression. The food rich in zinc is oysters.

In addition, fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimgee and yogurt are rich in active media that provide intestinal probiotics and help alleviate anxiety, stress and depression. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel provide Omega-3 fatty acids vitamin B12 zinc selenium and other brain-friendly nutrients. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, which increase blood flow to the brain and help improve mood and memory.

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