Smoking makes you fat! Nicotine destroys fat distribution

This is true-burning a cigarette is equal to burning 10 kilocalories. If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you can burn 200 kilocalories. It doesn’t seem like much, but in a year’s time, that’s 10 kilograms! In general (but with some exceptions), smoking increases your basal metabolic rate by 10%, the amount of energy your body expends when it is still. I have always stressed that in order to lose weight, exercise is essential to improve the basal metabolic rate. So, the weight-loss plan that challenges my argument appears. 


Dopamine-like adrenaline stimulates and mobilizes alertness. 

Why are cigarettes so “effective”? Thanks to nicotine, which has a powerful effect on the central nervous system, it is a physiological and psychological pump that increases dopamine production. Dopamine stimulates the emotional regions of the brain, which explains why addiction exists.But dopamine has another function, epinephrine, which stimulates and mobilizes alertness, artificially increasing energy consumption in the body, which is also amplified by other substances found in cigarettes. 

Smokers can’t feel the same flavor intensity as non-smokers.

Another commonly observed phenomenon is the effect of nicotine on appetite suppression. Smokers eat less (it can be said that smokers eat more casually). In addition, tobacco can damage the nasal mucosa and inhibit olfactory efficacy. However, it is the nose, not the mouth, that helps us capture our taste, and smokers often do not feel the same intensity as non-smokers. To make yourself think you still have the right taste, you’ll eat greener and saltier. Even if you succeed in quitting smoking, it will be difficult to get rid of the habit and you will run a greater risk of refocusing. 

Nicotine also causes imbalance between male and female hormones, changes cortisol production, and blocks insulin production. All this can destroy the distribution of fat, and often cause fat to concentrate in the stomach. The innate tendency of men to have bigger bellies is also not hard to detect in female smokers, especially young women, who are seeing more and more little Android as they redistribute their fat. In fact, smokers are more likely to be exposed to cardiovascular disease than non-smokers, regardless of gender.

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