Having a hard time falling asleep after drinking? Adrenaline!

Alcohol is not strictly a stimulant because it relaxes nerves, but it undoubtedly stimulates the liver to do a lot of detoxification, which can lead to strokes, dehydration, and aging faster. Just look back at the few hangover, splitting headache mornings, and you’ll know why drinking makes you die prematurely. 


If you want your skin to be moist and full, you need to quit drinking. 

And the rapid loss of water is because the body’s water is in its rightful place, because the stimulation of alcohol has to go to the overworked liver and pancreas to support it, so if you want your skin to look moist, The first priority is to give up drinking quickly! 

In particular, alcohol contains a lot of sugar, and drinking too much can lead to obesity, not to mention the fact that alcohol can also cause blood sugar to rise and fall, making you fat and fat. If you’re as suspicious as I am, “Why do we wake up in the middle of the night after drinking, and then it’s hard to fall asleep again”. 

Alcohol stimulates epinephrine and is prone to insomnia. 

That’s because alcohol makes us want to sleep at first, and once it starts stimulating adrenaline, an exciting and ultimately exhausting hormone, it can wake you up at 3 a.m. and open your eyes until dawn. 

Of course, there are some alcoholic beverages that can be regarded as exceptions. Red wine is a drug that I cannot get rid of, and it is no good not to drink it. However, I have also read quite a lot of positive reports about red wine, which makes me feel a lot relieved. Of course, this refers to the occasional drink of one or two glasses. Enough is enough to stop you from drinking indiscriminately every night.

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