You know what the benefits of early morning sex are, you know?

For us, sex is usually done at night. The busy people of the day, after bathing, have sex, and then hug each other and fall asleep. Did you ever think that sex could still be done in the morning? And having sex early in the morning will do us a lot of good. What the hell is going on?

Sex experts say men are at their best when they wake up in the morning and women have the most sex hormones in the morning. Therefore, morning is the best time to have sex. Moreover, early morning sex, has 7 big benefits.


1. Exercise.

As we all know, sex is a labor that consumes physical energy. I was taught “good health running outdoors in the morning”, but can you keep on getting up early to run? If the answer is no, then “bed exercise” is the best substitute for “outdoor running,” given that sex for 30 minutes is no less effective at burning fat than jogging for 30 minutes.

2. It is beneficial to lose weight.

The second benefit of sex is that it helps you lose weight. For people who already want to lose weight, it’s a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. After a night of digestion, by the time you have sex in the morning, your body is already running out of nearly enough carbohydrates stored in your body. By doing intense “bed exercise,” the body needs to burn deep fat to provide energy support, and during sex, because of changes in hormone levels in your body, burning fat is much better than exercise alone. So it can help you burn deep fat, especially to eliminate the waist and abdominal fat is very effective.

3. Relieve muscle soreness.

For men and women now, sitting in front of the computer all day long office, the whole body backache, is a normal phenomenon. There is no time to massage, usually a busy thing is to forget all about it. Early morning sex, on the other hand, is the most healing activity you can’t miss. First, endorphins, the pleasure hormone you secrete during sex, have the same analgesic and hallucinogenic effects as marijuana, helping you relieve a variety of muscle soreness and discomfort. Sexual love is also a kind of exercise to the whole body muscle “gymnastics”, can activate stiff whole body muscle.

4. Promoting detoxification.

Early morning sex can help us promote lymphatic detoxification. During sex, you are also affected by hormonal changes in your body that speed up your metabolism, especially the efficiency of lymphatic detoxification. With the sweat secreted during sex, the body causes a variety of body discomfort caused by acidic metabolic waste will be expelled from the body. If you can share a large glass of lemon honey water with him after sex, your detox work will be done even more thoroughly.

5. Enhancing immunity.

In addition, early morning sex, but also can enhance immunity. Couples who stay in love 2-3 times a week have higher levels of immunoglobulin activity and immunity than couples who never have sex in the morning, according to a new study in the United States.

6. Improving work efficiency.

Do you feel unexamined and inefficient every day? Well, hurry up and have an early morning sex. Try it. Stay in bed for 30 minutes in the morning, and come in close contact with him. Your brain cells will be activated, your mind will become more agile, and you will have confidence in yourself. Dare to meet any kind of work challenge.

7. Create a good mood.

The quality of our mood, determines the degree of joy of our day. New research, also from the United States, found that women who liked to have sex in the morning had better emotional control than those who never had sex in the morning. They spent more time in a good mood and were less likely to have bad feelings such as depression, irritability, and depression. Psychologists say that if you have a sexy, passionate, loving and caring start in the morning, you will certainly look forward to the day without fear of any pressure.

From this, the benefits of early morning sex are innumerable. So, if you want to experience the benefits of early morning sex, try it with your loved ones.

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