What do you do after staying up late? How do you stay up late without hurting your body?

Note on staying up late

We will feel very tired when staying up late, but no matter how tired, it is best not to go to bed to rest, just like a machine, suddenly open and shut down, very bad for the health, must wait for things to finish before taking a rest.

If sleepy when the thing is not finished, can drink coffee or tea to have certain stimulant drink to refresh, but should notice should hot drink, the concentration is not too high, lest hurt stomach.

Stay up late, the brain oxygen demand will increase, easy to cause endogenous oxygen deficiency, should always take a deep breath.

When things are done, be sure to relax. Even if you don’t sleep, sit in a chair and relax.

After talking about the precautions in staying up late, let’s see how we can stay up late without hurting ourselves!


How to let stay up late do not hurt the body?

I. attaching importance to the Nutrition of “Dinner”

1.For dinner, eat collagen-rich foods such as hoofs; take orally 12 vitamin C tablets; and eat 1-2 kinds of fruits (rich in VC), which are good for skin to restore elasticity and luster.

2.Eat more food to protect your eyes. Foods good for eyesight: longan meat, yam, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, taro, corn, animal liver, beef, mulberry, red dates, Chinese cabbage, tomatoes, day-lily, air cabbage, wolfberry fruit and all kinds of fresh fruit. Recommendation: drink a cup of mulberry fruit tea. Chinese medicine believes that mulberry sweet cold nature, with liver and kidney, Sheng Jin Runchang, Wu Fa Mingmu and so on. Mulberry fruit is regarded as “the best health care fruit in the 21st century” by the medical profession. It can significantly improve the immunity of human body, and has the function of delaying senility and beautifying and nourishing the face.

3.Avoid eating spicy foods and alcoholic beverages to prevent excessive evaporation of moisture in the skin.

II. Blood supply to the liver.

Eat one tablespoon of angelica powder a day. Angelica powder is most suitable for office workers who work in front of computers for a long time and stay up late. Traditional Chinese medicine says “long look injures liver”, looked for a long time computer screen can injure liver, and angelica invigorates blood effect especially fast, do not have side effect, can improve the blood supply of liver directly, had better be able to insist to eat angelica powder for a long time, can have very big benefit to the body.

III. Give plenty of water.

Keep the indoor air clear and with a certain amount of humidity. For example, keep a humidifier on your desk all year round to improve the humidity of the air. If you can’t change the quality of your environment (bars, restaurants, factory lines, etc.), take care-use a lotion with plenty of water and nutrients to make it easier for your skin to absorb.

IV. Attaching importance to acupoint massage.

Usually want to blink an eye more, promote the secretion of tear, can avoid eye dry astringent; eye is in long time close after use, appropriate move an eye, practice to look close again look far, make eyeball side muscle relaxes, avoid eyestrain; Acupoints should be more massage printing hall, bright, sun, wind pool, Baihui points, or from the inside of the eyebrows to the outside massage is also conducive to visual health care.

V. “going to bed late” but not “washing late”

The skin is scheduled for evening maintenance between 10: 00 p.m. and 11: 00 p.m. Try to create conditions for skin cleaning and maintenance during this period of time. After cleaning with a mild cleanser, apply a moisturizing and nutritious lotion with sufficient moisture and nutrients. In this way, the skin in the next stage, although not normally into sleep, but also normal to get nutrients and water supplement.

VI. Remedies after staying up late.

  1. Apply face mask for 5 to 10 minutes before bedtime or after getting up (moisturizing mask can be used to replenish dehydrated skin).
  2. After getting up to wash a face, use cold, heat alternately stimulates facial blood circulation.
  3. Massage your face for five minutes before applying it.
  4. Get up in the morning drink a cup of Chinese wolfberry tea, has the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing the body.
  5. Do a simple and soft exercise, exercise your muscles and bones, and get your spirits up.
  6. Be sure to have enough for breakfast, but don’t eat cold food.


What should I do after staying up late?

  1. Bed
    What is the first thing to get up? Instead of brushing your teeth or opening your eyes, you spend more than five minutes in bed. Many people believe that the bed is a bad problem, but in fact, it is forced to make the blood go up, causing sudden changes in blood pressure, causing dizziness and other symptoms. So, getting up in the morning, it’s best to open your eyes and not get up first, take advantage of this neutral position, lie on the bed and move your limbs and head, and then get up in 5 minutes.
    Tell you the best way to bed. After getting up, wait until your consciousness is awake. Slowly bend your left and right knees to the other side of your body. Hold your knees in your chest for 10 seconds with both hands. Keep your back on your back and straighten your hands as far as you can. Inhale, exhale with your mouth and keep your body motionless for 5 seconds.
  2. Drink a glass of water
    When you get up in the morning, you should drink a glass of water conscientiously. Because after a long night of sleep, people are very prone to dehydration. Drinking a glass of water at this time is beneficial to the body’s supplement to water. At the same time, it also has a cleansing effect on the stomach. Awakening the senses of the stomach and other body can better digest the foods eaten at breakfast. And, drinking a glass of water to clear your mouth will allow you to wake up from your sleep. So, you may wish to put a glass of cold water on the bed before going to sleep the night before.
  3. Open the quilt
    Those who will get the quilt neat and tidy after they get up must be rigorous and orderly. However, there are not many such people. More people will lay the quilt flat on the bed, which is convenient and beautiful. But in fact, it’s wrong to do it all together. Because the human body itself is also a source of pollution. During the night’s sleep, the body’s skin will emit a lot of water vapor, so that the quilt to a different degree of moisture, if not let it go out, get up immediately stacked, the kind of moist and warm environment will breed a large number of roundworms and bacteria Therefore, after getting up, you must first open the quilt and let it pass through the air, and then fold or flatten it.
  4. In the morning
    Get up early to excrete . Once this good habit is developed, you will benefit for life. Food stays in the body during our sleep. After overnight digestion, if it is not discharged in time, accumulation in the body will burden the gastrointestinal function. However, many people are unable to do it. After all, they do not want to be ranked. If this habit is not used, do not worry. This is something that you can work hard to cultivate. For example, you can usually eat high-fiber foods such as cabbage, sweet potatoes, and other coarse grains. When you get up in the morning, you have to go to the toilet whether or not you go to the toilet. As time goes by , your habits will become natural.
  5. Deep Cleaning
    When you get up in the morning, you may find it hard to get oil on your face. In fact, this is the metabolic exuberance of the skin during sleep and the waste that is excluded. Therefore, in the morning, you should wash your face. After brushing your teeth, use a cleansing milk to gently massage your face, thoroughly cleanse it, and then apply it to your skin. Last makeup. The process of cleansing will make you feel refreshed and make the skin wake up in the shortest possible time, full of vitality and withstand a full day of cosmetic attacks!
  6. Take a shower
    Compared to the Chinese people’s evening bathing habits, most foreigners like to bathe in the morning. In fact, bathing in the morning is indeed a good choice, because the morning bathing helps to promote more vigorous blood circulation, and the cleansing sensation and the fragrance of the bath itself can adjust the mood and make the spirit more full.
    The shower or bath depends on whether you have enough time. If you have time to choose a bath, then the water temperature should not be too high, the time is not too long, choose some of the bath items containing citrus flavor, to boost the spirit is the best. If it is a shower, tell you a little recipe to eliminate the soreness of the shoulder muscles. Put a towel on your shoulders, and with a tolerable heat, wash your shoulders with a shower head water column, every ten minutes, more than three times a week, with good results.
  7. massage
    Many people think that the best massage time should be after bathing at night. In fact, the morning massage is also very effective, and gently massage the head and face in the morning 5 minutes, and finally extended to the neck, press the depression above the clavicle, can help you delay the arrival of aging. To develop such a good habit, not only can drain swelling, slim face, but also delicate skin, refreshing. After the head massage, you can stretch your limbs, especially the ankles, because many white-collar women wear high heels for the entire day, and the soothing ankles make your feet less vulnerable.
  8. Eat breakfast
    Finally, there is one more thing that is important. That is eating breakfast. Many people do not value breakfast. It is wrong. Do not eat breakfast, neither know how to enjoy life, but also a stupid behavior that damages the body . Someone would rather not sleep for half an hour and would not allow themselves to have a delicious breakfast. In fact, three meals a day is the most important breakfast, breakfast is a source of energy for the day, in order to sleep for a while and save the breakfast is the least worthwhile, a health discount, and second, lost the wonderful feeling of enjoying a quiet breakfast. Failure to eat breakfast for a long time can result in malnutrition, anemia, and decreased resistance. Pancreas and gallstones are also produced. So breakfast must be eaten. The best thing is to eat breakfast from 7 to 8 o’clock. Because people’s appetite is the most vigorous.

Remedies after staying up late

  • Apply a moisturizing mask on your face for five to ten minutes before bed or after getting up to replenish your dehydrated skin.
  • When washing your face after getting up, use cold and heat alternately to stimulate the blood circulation of your face
  • Massage your face for five minutes before applying the product.
  • After getting up in the morning, drink a cup of Chinese wolfberry tea first.
  • Do a simple and soft exercise, stretch your muscles and make your spirits soar.
  • Be sure to have a full breakfast, but don’t eat cold food.

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