Positive psychologists: 12 small things, and they bring you great happiness

“The best things in life are free. Real happiness is not a major event, but it is to know how to discover the beauty of life and the life you want.”

– Neil Pasricha


Today’s speaker Neil Pasricha has a happy family, a satisfied job, a close friend, and a good wife.

However, fate always joke. In just two years, his wife, who had been in love with him, and his divorced friend, even his best friend, have died long after they died. How does it feel to lose two very important people in their lives?

Neil felt painstakingly and decided to recognise life and discover the beauty of life. He built the world’s first blog to record a good life: “1000 Awesome Tings” to remind him of the many small and happy moments in his life. It is these moments that enrich his life. Colorful.

Neil did not expect that this blog, which was originally used to encourage himself, actually set off an upsurge in Europe and the United States, and even won the “Best Blog” of the Webby Awards, which is known as the Oscar of the Internet. Awards, and gathered at the wonderful moments collected by the blog published the bestseller “The Book of Wonders”, telling everyone how to get happiness.


Maybe you have to say: On your own, or on your side, situations like Neil are happening every day, so the tragedy he encountered was not so “special.”

— well said! I’m not wrong with you, I’m boasting you’re right! In fact, no matter who is suffering and happy, there is commonality. Neil rethought his own story, communicated with bloggers and friends around the world, and summed up the three secrets of a happy life.

– 01 –

3A Tips for a Happy Life

>01>   Attitude Attitude

There are dangers in the sky, and people have good fortune. During a person’s life, he will inevitably encounter an unsatisfactory time. When the bad news brings you a blow, it feels like a desperation. He feels ashamed and falls into the abyss. At this time, you have two choices: one is to break the cans, to blame yourself, and to go on forever. The second is to rejuvenate and face the future.

“Life is a mirror, you laugh at it, and it will laugh at you; you cry against it and it cries to you.”

— Writer Sacred

I hope that regardless of how much suffering people feel, no matter how difficult it is to choose, please choose the second attitude. Look forward and step forward to the future.

>02>   Perception Awareness

We have to learn from the three-year-old children and learn that they look at a bug’s expression of concentration when climbing up the sidewalk and learn the intoxicating attitude they saw while watching the baseball game. In their eyes, the world is new. If we also re-embrace you with a three-year-old heart, you can feel the world again.

>03>   Genuine Authenticity

An incumbent NFL defender Rossi Greer was keen to hit the opponent’s head on the court, but in his heart he loved embroidery and knitting. After retiring from the league, he began attending a knit club and published a book called “Roses Greer’s Male Embroidery.”

The story’s protagonist Rossi is a man who dares to show his true nature, and this is where the true meaning lies. You will feel very satisfied to follow your own mind and do what you really like.

“The reason why life is great is because we only have such a short time to appreciate the small and wonderful moments. The wonderful moment is now.”

– Neil Pasricha

The three secrets shared by Neil for everyone can make our lives beautiful and happy.

No matter how much academic knowledge or ability we have, no matter what kind of professional work we do, no matter what kind of partner we find, what kind of life we ​​have to live with, we must have a positive attitude, be brave, and march forward courageously; To perceive the wonderfulness of this world; to love your work from the bottom of your heart, and to live happily and happily.

As human beings living on the only planet of life in the entire universe, we have architecture and agriculture, airplanes and highways, interior design and astrology, fashion magazines and carnivals. You can go to a concert and listen to a guitar for improvisation. We also have books, buffets, radios, brides, and roller coasters. You can sleep on a clean sheet, you can smell the toast, you can walk in the rain, blow bubble gum, or secretly take a nap.


Life is filled with surprises and pleasures, small and wonderful moments, full awareness of the good things in the surroundings, and new things that surprise you. Show your true colors, be true to yourself, obey your own mind, and place yourself in things that will make you happy. Believe that your life will become full and full, wonderful and wonderful.

But, there may be a friend who would say: “I am living in an ordinary living environment, doing ordinary work, and having a normal appearance. I am busy all day long and tied up for money and time. I have long been alive and happy. Desire.”

It is normal to have such ideas and helplessness. But this helplessness can be broken, and it is not difficult at all!

– 02 –

12 + 100 Practical “Happiness Tasks”

In the book “The How of Happiness” by the famous positive psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky, we can find 12 highly feasible strategies for happiness. If you look at it, you will know how easy it is to get started:

Picture by happymelly.com

how? Do you feel a bit far from yourself? Come again! Based on Sonja’s strategy, Mr. How personally designed 100 simple “happy little tasks” for you.

These small tasks, any one of them can greatly enhance your sense of well-being ~ Indeed, since it is “mission”, it means that you need to give time and energy. But even if you just pay a little bit, you can gradually cultivate the belief that “if you work hard, you can bring happiness to yourself and those around you”.

Nothing is all right, you can collect it and come back to see it at any time~
1. Feed a stray cat
2. See the performances of buskers
3. Send yourself a postcard for the future
4. Make a good breakfast for yourself
5. spend 10 yuan a day
6. Write down your favorite 10 items
7. Call an old friend
8. Do not speak for a day
9. Read a bestseller in a bookstore
10. Raise a pot of plants
11. Go to the movie
12. Go to a concert
13. Smile at yourself in the mirror
14. Brush your teeth with your left hand
15. Write a letter to parents
16. Go to bed before 10 o’clock
17. Turn off the phone one day
18. Make a massage
19. Get up before sunrise
20. Organize the desktop
21. Finish the room
22. Run 3 km
23. Have afternoon tea with good friends
24. Do 5 minutes of meditation
25. Give a joke to the next person
26. Look at the stars in the sky
27. Write down your ideas
28. Take a family picture
29. Take a family photo
30. Donations to charities
31. Learn a new language
32. Learn a new instrument
33. Dancing in the dark
34. Standing high above the city
35. Collecting beautiful leaves as labels
36. Watch a live game
37. Singing loudly
38. Looking through old photos
39. Write down last night’s dream
40. Go to nursing homes to volunteer
41. Travelling to a distant city
42. Take a hot shower
43. Watch the clouds in heaven
44. Visit Art Exhibition
45. Daydreaming
46. ​​Use up the ink in the pen
47. Give a hug to a friend
48. Rotate on the office chair
49. Breakfast in bed
50. Watch the sunset
51. Repair broken things
52. Cutting a complete apple peel
53. Smell a flower
54. Go to a place you always wanted to go
55. Make a wish
56. Try a new hairstyle
57. Eat an ice cream
58. Take a picture
59. Playing board games with friends
60. Enjoy nature
61. Play games
62. Buy a bunch of flowers for yourself
63. Eating a rice meal
64. Pedestrians and vehicles on the road
65. Drawing on a gas glass
66. Take a walk in the park
67. Go fishing
68. To ride a bike
69. Prepare dinner for your loved ones
70. Fight with friends
71. Mountain climbing
72. Shout loudly in the open
73. Painting
74. Write a short story
75. Doing manual work
76. Look at a flower
77. Come to a pillow fight
78. Tell your mother you love him
79. Chat with grandparents
80. Give your plant a nickname
81. Food for beggars
82. Chat with strangers
83. Write something unhappy
84. Go to a new restaurant
85. Write a beautiful story
86. List a list of things to do
87. Make a cake by hand
88. Cycling a week
89. Playing with children
90. Praise three people
91. sing with friends
92. Going for a walk with a friend
93. Write a five-year plan
94. Go shopping
95. Listen to classical music
96. Meet new friends on social platforms
97. Eat one day’s vegetarian meal
98. The quilt
99. Word Practice
100. Tea

– 03 –

Your happiness is inseparable from the mobile phone?

Then make full use of your mobile phone ~

There is a saying that modern people’s happiness is inseparable from mobile phones and electronic products, then we put together the above 3A secrets and mobile phones together ~


In addition to doing more small things that can enhance happiness, it is also possible to record the small things and experiences that were done, because one study by Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, showed that:

Recording three good things every day can also improve people’s well-being and reduce depression. Just like Neil Pasricha’s blog “One Thousand Wonderful Hours”, documenting your usual good life can enhance your ability to perceive happiness and enhance your happiness experience.

The recording tool is not limited. It can be a paper notebook, or an electronic tool, microblog, WeChat, short video, Word, Excel, memo, choose a frequently used tool, give her a name of “happiness” or Label, happy time trip at any time!

It is worth mentioning that a study by Prof. S. Tejaswi Peesapati shows that recalling the good times of the past can enhance people’s well-being.

Facebook has launched a nostalgic feature called “On This Day” that shows users’ status, photos, or other content published a year or years ago, allowing users to see themselves before or joy or sadness. Old time. Moreover, in order to avoid that users do not want to see previously sad memories (including loss of loved ones, break up with lovers, or break with friends, etc.), Facebook can also filter out the status and content that cause painful memories.

Facebook “On This Day”

Apple’s mobile phone also provides a very “warmth” feature – the “memory” feature of the iPhone photo, including “recall memories, personalized memories and sun memories.” From my personal experience, the “memories” generated are basically memorable moments in real life. There are many scenes such as gatherings and trips where a large number of photographs have been taken in a short period of time. In addition, there are systemically generated recommendations such as “past today” and “best memory” that allow people to relive the good old days.

Therefore, we now know that we can do more happy things, record good things now, and recollections of good things can greatly enhance our sense of well-being.

Mr. How unwittingly found an APP called “pick up light machine”, the English name is Collect Your Happines (currently only supports iOS system), actually integrated the above three functions:


Optical pickup  APP

This app allows you to record the happiness of everyday life through images, videos, text and audio. At the same time, every day you regularly push the good times you recorded in the past for your recollection. If you don’t know what to do to improve your well-being, the pick-up machine also prepares you for many happy tasks.

In short, these APPs are adhering to a philosophy: start small, pay attention to records and memories, so in the past, present, and future, all regard happiness as the rule of life!


Mr. How also recorded many happy moments with a light picker. They are small things in daily life: reunion with family members, meeting with friends, enjoying a meal, enjoying a beautiful view, practicing calligraphy, drawing and painting Listen to music, cook, play with children, tease with dogs, travel with friends, and read books.

I believe that as long as everyone sticks to the record of the good things in daily life, you will find that: In the little joy that lives in many places, there is great happiness!

– written on 5 · 25 –

Today, 5.25, even a date reminds us of the days of “love ourselves.”

At the end of the article, Mr. How wanted to repeat Neil’s life philosophy:

The best things in life are free

Real happiness is not earth-shattering

But know how to discover the beauty of life

Live your life

May every corner of the world, everyone

Truly do yourself

Obey your own mind

Follow your own rhythm

Discover the fine beauty of life

Live a blessed happiness

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