How does staying up late skin become bad how to do?

Common sense about staying up late: staying up late often leads to bad skin. Here are some skin tips about staying up late, which can help people who stay up late to protect their skin.


Facial problems: dark complexion with small spots.

After staying up late for a long time, small black spots appear in the cheekbones and at the moment. This is because the skin is metabolizing slowly, and the accumulated pigments cannot be discharged smoothly. In addition, computer radiation and excessive lighting can cause pigmentation. And form spots.

Method 1: exfoliate and massage again.

After washing your face at night, you should exfoliate, accelerate the exfoliation of the aged horniness, give the skin a new life, and then use the facial massage cream to speed up the blood circulation of the face, promote lymphatic detoxification, and activate cells through proper massage techniques. Call the face and lift the color.

Method 2: use sunscreen at night, too.

If you need to sit in front of your computer for a long time at night or face intense light exposure, you need to put on a sunscreen to protect your skin from external stimulation. Sunscreen isolation needs to be reapplied every 4 hours. It is suggested that the product of sunscreen isolation cream should have the effect of moisturizing and moisturizing, lest the skin be too dry and form all kinds of problems. Eye cream can improve the dark circles of the eyes, fine lines, tired appearance and other problems caused by staying up late, and has a good effect.

Skin problems: severe dark circles under the eyes.

Method 1: before staying up late, you should apply a thick layer of eye cream.

Star product hanghou eye cream selects dormant summer snowflakes, daffodils and other plant extracts, which can hypnotize melanin deeply and relieve the dark circles of the eyes. Generally speaking, gel, essence kind of eye mask should be used after eye cream, while the rich and nutritious eye mask should be used before eye cream.

Method 2: when you stay up late at night, you should do a set of simple and effective eye massage exercises when you feel that your eyes are sour.

First rub the four fingers, press the entire eyelid, from the inner corner of the eye to the temple, and then use the middle finger to press the temple, press the force should be heavier, but also slightly gently raised.

Skin problems: dry, hard to make up.

Method 1: wash the face this step should start to moisturize, wash the water to cool, so as to protect the skin needed oil.

Wash the skin after the face should be heavy with moisturizing, if the skin is really very dry, it is best to apply a moisturizing mask and eye mask, to replenish water to the skin, moisturizing cream must be applied after moisturizing, lest moisture loss.

Method 2: mix emulsion and foundation 1:1, this move can guarantee the humidity of foundation makeup, deal with the problem that makeup is difficult to have apparent improvement.

Skin problems: edema.

Method: the best way to get rid of moisture in the body is by lymphatic massage. Do an eye massage in the evening and another in the morning. This is for the eyes. Facial discharge edema massage method: first from the direction of the ear lobes next to the nasal buccal bone, to exhale press, inspiratory release of the way, massage.

The person that often stays up late, should take what can a few ego health care measure?

First, to strengthen nutrition.

we should choose foods of low quality and high quality such as protein, fat, and vitamin B group foods such as milk, beef, pork, fish, beans, and so on. We can also eat dried fruits such as walnuts, dates, longan, peanuts, and so on. This can have the effect of anti-fatigue.

Second, strengthen physical exercise.

May carry on the exercise according to own age and the interest, enhances the physical fitness. Stay up late if you feel lack of energy or want to sleep, you should do some gymnastics, Taijiquan or outdoor activities for a while.

The third is to adjust the circadian rhythm.

Those who stay up late all the year round should follow the schedule and constantly revise it to suit their needs.

Fourth, eliminate the ideological burden.

Often stay up late to avoid anxiety and fear, should establish confidence, in the evening work to maintain a happy mood and high mood.

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