A happy marriage is like a bank having to “save” on a regular basis.

In life, feelings need to be carefully managed, and happy marriages are even more so. From a certain point of view, a happy marriage is like a bank. It requires regular savings to maintain the happiness and sweetness of marriage. Well, both husband and wife order How to maintain regular savings by maintaining marital happiness?


Happy Marriage “savings” – words

The words spoken here do not mean that I love you all the time, but refer to words that have appreciation, praise, and encouragement of specific content.

Happy Marriage “savings” – Concern

Concern is to give the other person all the attention. You can take a walk together and ask each other questions such as “What is the most interesting thing in your childhood?” You can find some time each day to share the anecdote of the day. You can even schedule a trip for only two of you in the future.

Happy Marriage Savings – Gifts

Gifts are a visual symbol of love. This is one of the easiest words to learn. Unexpectedly sending TA a small gift can be a message of love, a piece of chocolate or a bouquet of flowers. It is important to not forget some special days, such as wedding anniversary and TA’s birthday.

Happy Marriage Savings – Action

Do what TA wants you to do and he/she service to show your love.

Happy Marriage “Savings” – Contact

Physical contact is a delicate way of human emotional communication and a powerful tool for expressing love. When TA is cooking or watching TV, he gently holds TA from behind; takes his/her hand while walking; when family and friends visit, hold him (her) in front of them

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