Take a walk at night. Don’t take a walk so much as to relax

The benefits of walking are many, can relax bones and muscles, make veins smooth, limbs strong; can enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve blood circulation; walk every day, but also improve the quality of sleep at night. As the ancient saying goes, “Walking to nourish the mind”, walking can make nervous, busy day of the brain to be adjusted and restored. Sports experts also point out that walking is the safest form of exercise, not as intense as kicking, swimming, running, climbing mountains and so on, and it is more suitable for the elderly.

Take a walk at night. Don’t take a walk so much as to relax

“walk a hundred steps after a meal, can live 99”, this sentence enjoys great popularity. Therefore, many old people often choose to take a walk after dinner and before going to bed. They walked briskly or for walks, often for more than an hour at a time. However, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the elderly should not put the main exercise time in the evening, and the duration should be controlled within half an hour, so as not to hurt the gas. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that at night, people’s “essence and spirit” introverted, Yang Qi collection, the elderly on the deficiency of qi and blood, plus “long line liver injury”, once walking too much, or even dripping sweat, not only injured tendons, but also easy to hurt liver gas. Therefore, the elderly evening walk, to 1030 minutes, do not feel tired.

The National Sleep Foundation says it is not advisable to go out for a walk two hours before bedtime in order to avoid disrupting sleep quality. Because the body temperature rises during a walk, the brain gets the signal to lower the body temperature, which relaxes the person and thus stimulates sleep. However, if the walk is too close to sleep, not enough to cool the body, but affect the quality of sleep. Therefore, it is best to take an evening walk three hours before bedtime. For example, intend to go to bed at 22:00, you can go for a walk before 19:00, not only help promote the circulation of blood and qi, but also can ease the mood. If the wind outside is high or the temperature is low, you can change it indoors.

In addition, take a walk at night to ease the movement. Many elderly people like to walk while slapping the body or massaging the abdomen, this way is more suitable for the morning exercise of the elderly. If it is a walk after dinner, beaten organs will be stimulated, so that the human body is too excited, not conducive to sleep at night. Therefore, when we take a walk in the evening, we can regularly stretch our arms and fight fists, so that tired shoulders, necks, elbows and other parts can be fully exercised, but the amplitude of action should not be too large.

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