Nine types of people eat less chili, be careful to increase the burden of the body

Pepper is a seasoning that many people can’t do without. In recent years, Sichuan cuisine and Hunan cuisine have become more and more popular, almost occupying half of the catering industry in China. Chili peppers taste unique, nutritious, promote digestion, warm stomach drive cold and other health effects. However, not everyone can enjoy this “delicious”, the following categories of people should eat less.

Nine types of people eat less chili, be careful to increase the burden of the body

1. Bad heart. Capsaicin in capsicum can make circulation blood volume increase, heartbeat quickens, induce tachycardia. Therefore, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should eat less pepper, otherwise it will hinder the improvement of the condition.

2. Bad kidney. Capsaicin is excreted through the kidney, has a certain stimulating effect on the kidney, if the kidney bad people often eat spicy, will increase the kidney burden.

3. Too much stomach acid. Capsaicin can cause an increase in gastric acid secretion, which can cause gallbladder contraction, sphincter spasm of the biliary tract, and difficulty in bile excretion, thus inducing cholecystitis, biliary colic and pancreatitis.

4. Constipation. Capsaicin has irritation, can aggravate constipation symptom. Hemorrhoids patients after eating may also cause hemorrhoid venous congestion and edema, leading to the deterioration of the disease, induced anal abscess.

5. Oral ulcer. Pepper irritation is greater, not only will induce pain, but also will stimulate the ulcer surface, make it further expand, long illness will not heal.

6. An eye patient. People with keratitis, red eye disease and other problems if they eat chili, it is possible to cause eyelid swelling, eye ironing or even elevated intraocular pressure and other uncomfortable symptoms.

7. Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism patient’s own heart rate is fast, after eating chili, heartbeat speed will be faster, symptom is more obvious.

8. I have a bad stomach. If people suffering from chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, esophagitis often eat spicy, capsaicin can stimulate mucosal hyperemia and edema, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain and other symptoms, will also have an impact on the digestive function.

9. I’m taking some drugs. Peppers not only counteract the effects of certain drugs, but may also exacerbate the disease. People who are taking the following kinds of drugs should eat less chili. Traditional Chinese medicine for clearing heat and nourishing yin (such as Shedan Chuanbei loquat ointment), dermatological drugs (such as retinoic acid ointment), gastrointestinal medicine (such as mucosal protection agent), hemorrhoids ointment (such as Huazhi suppository, hemorrhoid ointment, etc.).

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