The seven sentences that men most want to say to you are the hardest to say

There are always men who want to talk to their wives, but they are difficult to tell. After interviewing couples in 53 countries on seven continents, the American dating site revealed seven sentences that men had tried hard to talk about.

The seven sentences that men most want to say to you are the hardest to say
The seven sentences that men most want to say to you are the hardest to say

“I want to have time alone.”

Men need their own time to think, meditate, and examine themselves. They also need their own space. If a woman cannot recognize this need of a man, it will have a very negative effect on the marriage relationship.

“I really need you to pay more attention to me than to children.”

Children put a lot of pressure on marriage relationships because they continue to need parental care. However, this should not be an obstacle to marital relations.While caring for children, the wife also has to care more about her husband.

“I really hope you will say more to me, ‘You love me’.”

In order to express true love, you really need to tell your spouse that you love each other in every day of your life. This is not a form of routine, but the natural expression of emotions.

“I hope you have something to say straight away, not a roundabout.”

Some men find it difficult to grasp the subtleties of quasi-feeling. If the wife always hints, it will make him feel sick. To get along with such a husband, the wife should directly speak his own thoughts and feelings.

“You always complain about me and accuse me. It makes me feel bad.”

Even if a wife often wants to correct her husband’s mistakes, if they only pay attention to her husband’s shortcomings and problems and ignore their advantages and strengths, they will be counterproductive.

“I hope to be praised and appreciated as a normal condition.”

The man hopes that his wife will recognize her husband’s contribution and strength to the family. He didn’t want everything he had done to be taken for granted, not to mention that his efforts were ignored by his wife.

“I hope my wife will embrace and caress me and be closer to me.”

Your physical contact with your husband not only confirms his existence, but also shows that he is important to you. The frequent physical contact with her husband also helps couples maintain their vitality.

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