Come and see! The expert taught you to read a man’s heart in five sentences

Did you ask your husband what he was thinking but he did not answer? Even in the most stable marriage relationship, men will have some ideas

Tell your wife. According to the love dating site “” recently reported that Dr. Charles Schmitz, the chief marriage expert of the United States, and his wife interviewed couples from 53 countries on seven continents of the world, they found that men have 5 sentences. If you want to say and say no more.

Come and see!  The expert taught you to read a man's heart in five sentences
Come and see! The expert taught you to read a man’s heart in five sentences

1. Sometimes I want to stay for myself for a while. Marriage narrows the distance between two people, but it does not mean that we must always be there.Occasional independence can help both parties to think and examine themselves.Compared to women, men’s demand for solitude seems more urgent.

2. Like my children, I also need your attention. The child is the crystallization of love, and it also adds a lot of pressure to the marriage. The husband and wife often use all of their energy on their children. As everyone knows, family life is the key to the quality of marriage and family relationships.

3. I hope you can often say “I love you.” Every day I say “I love you” to my partner. It is not a formal routine but a natural expression of emotion.

4. I hope you have something to say, not to hide. Emotions are subtle, and it is often difficult for men to be precise. If the wife always hints, it will make him feel

Do not know what to do. If your husband is also like this, you may wish to express your thoughts and feelings directly.

5. I hope I’m often praised and appreciated. The wife only pays attention to her husband’s shortcomings and problems. Ignoring their strengths and strengths will often backfire. Men prefer to get approval from their wives and do not want their efforts to be ignored by their wives.

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