White-collar people sitting in five sick

White-collar workers, is an enviable job. In the office, enjoy the air-conditioning heating, no sun and rain. But in a comfortable environment, white-collar workers are also deeply threatened by health, the most direct killer than sedentary!

The WHO report makes clear that more than 2 million of people each year suffer from all kinds of illnesses due to sedentary and lack of exercise, leading to death. Among them, heart disease ,high blood pressure , prostatitis , cervical spondylosis , colon cancer, are the five most common white-collar diseases due to sedentary.

White-collar people sitting in five sick
White-collar people sitting in five sick

Heart disease

Studies have pointed out that sedentary people’s blood circulation is slower than normal, the blood consistency is higher. And because sedentary causes myocardial contraction fatigue, a long time, arteriosclerosis , coronary heart disease will gradually appear, especially the risk of coronary heart disease attack than ordinary people are about 4 times times higher.


Sedentary will cause blood volume of the whole body reduced, weaken the heart function, resulting in insufficient chest blood supply, promote heart and lung function reduced, aggravated emphysema infection protracted not the more, early occurrence of hypertension and other diseases.


There are basic out-patient statistics report, Urology Outpatient clinic about 70% patients, prostatitis patients, of which more than half of them are taxi drivers or office workers. Because these two types of occupations often need sedentary can not exercise, over time, the upper body weight oppression of the prostate, resulting in blood circulation disorders, accumulation of excessive waste, obstruction of prostate gland tube resistance, can not normal excretion of glandular fluid, resulting in chronic prostate cancer, eventually causing prostatitis.

Cervical Spondylosis

Sedentary is easy to lead to cervical spondylosis, which is a lot of people know. Because sedentary, the head will tend to forward flexion, increase neck blood pressure, so that the neck muscles in tension, blood circulation is not smooth, thus reducing the blood supply of the brain. Over time, the formation of cervical spine bone hyperplasia , neck ligament calcification, cervical stiffness and so on, eventually evolved into different types of cervical spondylosis.

Colon cancer

Long-standing in the Office of the population, intestinal peristalsis speed than normal, slow, fecal carcinogens in the colon to stimulate intestinal mucosa, coupled with abdominal cavity, pelvic blood circulation is not smooth, resulting in decreased intestinal immune function.

Jinan University affiliated First hospital infection control department deputy chief physician Chen Zuhui solemnly remind, sitting on the body hundred harm without a benefit, long sitting white-collar family may wish to try these 3 strokes.

1, in the sedentary time, you can properly carry out some in situ movement, such as small leg movement, massage or simply pat the leg.

2, as far as possible to maintain every hour or so, they get up activities and muscles, kicking and legs.

3, again busy also need to pay attention to replenish moisture, avoid blood too viscous affect blood circulation.

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