Smoking men must do this check

Smoking between 50-60 years old is a high prevalence of bladder cancer in men. These people should pay special attention to abnormal urination signals and go to the hospital regularly, according to a study published in the International Journal ofCancer .

Smoking men must do this check
Smoking men must do this check

Smoking men must do the check

Smoke on the human body is not limited to the lungs, through the lungs after the exchange of gas, nicotine and other harmful substances will enter the blood, with blood circulation, participate in the whole body metabolism. Finally through the kidney filtration function, with nicotine and other harmful substances of urine will be gathered into the bladder. It can be said that the bladder is the concentration of cigarette toxins.

Hematuria is the first symptom of bladder cancer, and 85% of patients can appear repeated episodes of painless intermittent visual hematuria. Bleeding can be more or less, severe with blood clots. In the whole process of bladder cancer onset, 100% or early or late appearance of hematuria. The early symptoms of bladder cancer should be paid enough attention. As soon as possible to the professional oncology hospital for diagnosis, to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Urinary System B-ultrasonography is a basic examination of urology, but also one of the first choice of urine patients, and the most accurate diagnosis of bladder cancer is cystoscopy. In the past, “hard mirror” instruments, because of the pain feeling heavier, will make the patient very afraid. But the painless type of anesthesia can be selected to reduce the psychological burden of patients and reduce the rate of diagnosis and missed diagnosis.

To prevent bladder cancer, the first is to avoid high risk factors in daily life. Smoking is one of the highest risk factors of bladder cancer, such as cystitis glandular inflammation patients, must be far away from second-hand smoke. Secondly, attention to increase the amount of drinking water, urine is the most important cause of bladder cancer. The carcinogenic substance in the urine can invade the bladder fiber, and destroy the normal structure of the cells, and make malignant change. So it’s best to pee 1 times per hour.

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