How to eat slimming fruits and recommend five diets for losing weight

How can lose weight fruit eat? Common fruit that can help lose weight has apple, banana, grapefruit wait, commonly, everybody is to eat directly, or make fruit salad, in fact fruit is far more than these eat method, lose weight fruit can eat how? Recommend five fruit diet, try it quickly!


1. -Lemon.-Lemon onion shredded. 

Efficacy: lemon can eliminate impurities in the body, play the role of detoxification; at the same time, help to consume the body accumulated fat, achieve the effect of weight loss. 

Ingredients: lemon, onion, fish sauce and salt. 

Practice: shredding onions and putting them in a clean fresh-keeping bag. Shake evenly with proper amount of salt. Pour onion shredded into platter and stir with fish sauce. Peel lemon peel thinly with knife and cut into shreds. Cut the lemon meat in half, squeeze the lemon juice into the onion, and sprinkle with shredded lemon.

2. Watermelon -sour and sweet watermelon peel. 

Ingredients: watermelon peel, salt, white vinegar, sugar. 

Practice: wash watermelon skin, cut off green skin and cut into 1 m cubes, add salt into bowl, mix well for 5 minutes; drain watermelon peel, add sugar and vinegar in watermelon skin and marinate for 10 minutes.

3. Hawthorn-Hawthorn soup. 

Efficacy: Hawthorn contains citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, sugar and protein, carbohydrates and so on. It can lower blood pressure and promote gastrointestinal digestion. It can also promote intestinal peristalsis and secretion of digestive gland. Good for digestion of food and excretion of waste. 

Materials: Hawthorn 500 grams, sugar 100 grams. 

Practice: Hawthorn wash off seeds, pot into a suitable amount of water, put Hawthorn cooked until rotten; add appropriate amount of sugar can be seasoned. 

How to eat kiwifruit ice cream with slimming fruit. 

4. Kiwifruit-kiwifruit ice sand. 

Efficacy: in addition to other fruits can not compare to the content of vitamin C, kiwifruit cellulose is also very rich, can increase the speed of fat decomposition, avoid excessive accumulation of fat in the legs. 

Materials: kiwifruit 3, sugar 20g, boiled water 100ml. 

Practice: peel kiwifruit diced, put in a blender, add appropriate amount of sugar, and then add appropriate amount of white water or pure water, stir until broken, put into a sealed container, then put into the refrigerator, stir every 5 hours. If overnight, remove in the morning and then stir, stir out the fruit can be. 

How to eat banana yogurt with slimming fruit. 

5. Banana-banana yogurt. 

Efficacy: each banana contains only 80 to 100 kilocalories of calories, and bananas make people feel full, but also rich in calcium and vitamins, can eliminate the phenomenon of swelling. 

Ingredients: banana 2, yoghurt 500ml, chocolate moderate. 

Practice: peel bananas cut into small diced, half into a blender, pour yogurt stir into banana yogurt paste. Then put another handful of diced banana into a cup, pour banana yogurt, and then with chocolate scraper, take some chocolate on the chocolate, sprinkle on banana yogurt. 

The above five fruit diet is not only convenient but also very delicious, not to try?

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