Common cold:Virus, treatment and research

The cause of colds

Colds are usually caused by tiny RNA viruses, especially rhinoviruses and certain types of ectoviruses (a type of enterovirus) and coxsackie (an intestinal virus). Small amounts are caused by coronavirus, influenza virus, para-influenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and paramyxovirus. There are more than 100 viruses that can cause colds, and most colds are not able to accurately determine which virus is causing the disease before recovery.

The cause of colds
The cause of colds

A cold usually occurs after a cold, rain or excessive fatigue, but does not indicate the cause of the illness. Cold itself does not cause colds. But prolonged and intense cold effects can reduce the immune system’s immune system, leading to a weakened body’s ability to resist the virus.

What about a cold stuffy nose?

There is still no effective cure for the virus that causes the cold, and it relies on the body’s immune system to eliminate the virus. Cold patients should be mainly supportive of treatment, special attention to rest, plenty of water, light diet. Use drugs or other methods to reduce the symptoms of a cold and heal naturally.

1. Antipyretic analgesics: non-steroid. Here are three commonly used pain relievers, as well as anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects:

Aspirin; Paracetamol, acetaminophen; Ibuprofen.

2.Antibiotics: western medicine is used against bacteria. Although a cold is caused by a virus, if a secondary bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics may be considered. Antibiotics should not be used if there is no bacterial infection to avoid the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria.

3. Anti – sensitive drugs.

At present, there are 3 generations of antihistamines, relieving allergies and receiving nasal water. The first generation is chlorophane, the second generation is chloroprene, and the third generation is dichlorrethane, etc. Caffeine is used to refresh and reduce fatigue.

4. Antiviral drugs: due to the current abuse of influenza virus resistance, if there is no fever, the immune function is normal, and it is not required to be used for more than 2 days. For immunodeficient patients, early use. Ribavirin and oseltamivir have a wide spectrum of antiviral drugs. Colds are mostly self-healing, and there is no need to use antiviral drugs. Besides, the current antiviral drugs are not very effective in treating colds.

5. Other supplements: vitamin C.

Cold symptoms

The clinical symptoms and signs are not specific, and after the incubation period of 24-72 hours, sudden onset of the disease, accompanied by a burning sensation in the nose or throat, followed by sneezing, runny nose and general malaise. No fever is characteristic of the disease, especially in rhinovirus or coronavirus infection. Usually, early pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis vary from person to person, and also to different pathogenic factors. The nasal secretions begin with a large number of water samples and later become mucous and purulent. Mucous purulent secretions do not indicate a bacterial overlap infection. The cough is usually mild but lasts for two weeks. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases have increased bronchitis after colds. The symptoms of pus or severe lower respiratory tract infection suggest a viral infection outside the rhinovirus, with primary or secondary bacterial infection.

Patients with asthma and bronchitis have severe respiratory symptoms after infection. Suppurative sinusitis and otitis media are bacterial complications, but are occasionally associated with viral infection in the lining of the mucosa. If there are no complications, the symptoms of a cold usually disappear within 4-10 days.

Colds do not always occur in the upper respiratory tract, but also in the digestive tract, which occurs in the digestive tract called the gastrointestinal cold.

Upper respiratory tract colds: usually associated with inflammation of one part of the upper respiratory tract or the whole upper respiratory tract, including the nose, sinuses, larynx, pharynx, and often the trachea and bronchi. It can happen all year round. Systemic symptoms light, usually not fever, mild chills, headache. Nasal congestion, runny nose (start with a lot of water samples, and later become mucous and purulent. Mucous purulent secretions do not indicate a bacterial overlap. Pharynx (sore throat), dry throat, mild cough, small amount of white phlegm. The cough is usually mild but lasts for 2 weeks. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases have increased bronchitis after colds. The duration of the disease lasts from 3 to 5 days. Routine blood tests revealed a normal or increased number of white blood cells.

Gastrointestinal cold: the upper respiratory symptoms of patients with gastrointestinal influenza are relatively mild, or even not, mainly gastrointestinal symptoms, which are easily misdiagnosed due to the common gastroenteritis and its similarity. Generally have upper abdominal discomfort, acid, heartburn, so that nausea, vomiting, and often accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, the stool is mainly watery diarrhea, free from pus. Fear of cold, fever, headache. Routine blood tests revealed an increase in neutrophils. Some of them have upper respiratory tract infections, or they may not.

Colds are often associated with fever.
Colds are often associated with fever.

What does a cold eat?

When cold, appropriate food is light, easy to digest is soft rice or semi – liquid food, such as white congee, oatmeal porridge, weak milk, drink more water. Avoid raw and cold, greasy, meaty, Fried, hot, and nourishing food, such as Fried meat, mutton, dog, water fish, ginseng, glutinous rice and its products.

1. The food should be greasy, Fried, sticky, salty, spicy, hard and fishy.

2, a cold, when fasting, cold, greasy, if it is warm, the evil, is the early qing solution phase, as well as avoiding cold, once the hot evil don’t go, stay strong heat, then thirst, be agitated, constipation, this time the need to help, fruit to frequency pear juice, orange juice, watermelon, rice water, green bean soup, etc., avoid overeating or, greasy food.

3. During the cold period, avoid eating or avoiding foods such as duck meat, pork, mutton, dog meat, turtle, clam, vinegar and persimmon.

4.Eat less salt.

cold check

It was found that when the cold was cold, the white blood cells were low and the early neutrophils were slightly higher. The total number of white blood cells and neutrophils could be increased.

1. Blood image: the viral infection saw normal or low white blood cell count, and the proportion of lymphocytes increased. Bacterial infections include leukocyte count and neutrophils and nuclear left – shift.

2, viruses, and the determination of virus antigen: immunofluorescence available as needed, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, serological diagnosis and virus isolation and identification, to determine the type of virus, the difference between viral and bacterial infections. Bacteria culture was used to determine bacterial type and drug susceptibility test.

cold prevention

The common cold is to prevent, daily strengthen exercise, strengthen constitution, life diet law, improve nutrition. Avoiding cold and overwork can help reduce susceptibility and is the best way to prevent colds. To prevent colds, try these tips:

1. Moderate exercise: the weather is cool and the body feels comfortable. Mountaineering, walking, tai chi are all cold – resistant exercise programs, can improve the body immunity.

2. Let the room air circulate: it is better to open the window three times in the morning and evening, each time for 15 minutes, the indoor air is fresh, and the breeding of bacteria is inhibited.

3. Add and reduce clothing in due time: old people, children and some people with weak health and weak resistance need to pay attention to the changes in temperature, and add and reduce clothing in time to avoid catching cold.

4. Vinegar fumigation: close the doors and Windows, take the vinegar 100 grams, put it on the burner to fumigate, the vinegar molecules floating in the air, killing the indoor cold virus. When eating, vinegar can be used as seasoning, often beneficial.

5. Ginger tea method: use brown sugar, ginger, black tea in moderate amount, decoction or tea drinking, 1-2 times a day, even for 3 to 5 days, with good efficacy against cold.

6, steam inhalation method: in a big cup boiled water (or in boiling water with a little vinegar), nose and mouth on it, and the rise of steam, deep breathing exercise, until cool water in the cup, several times a day, especially at the beginning of a cold effect is better.

7. Cold water washing method: it is usually started in summer, and the autumn and winter are constantly in order to enhance adaptability, and wash face with cold water every morning and evening.

8. Double hand push cheek method: after getting up daily, apply two palms to the cheek, slowly with moderate strength to the head, and then head back to the head and then push back to the occipital. Do 10 to 40 consecutive times.

9. Regular schedule: ensure regular schedule and rhythm during the season, go to bed early, extend the sleeping time properly, and drink more water.

10. Balanced nutrition: it is good to eat a lot of nourishing and nourishing food in the dry season, such as tremella, pear, lotus root, grape, apple, etc., and eat less spicy food.


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